The Sexiest Girl That He Will Ever Have The Pleasure Of Penetrating

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"Will you relax?" Addison chided as she glanced up at me from her pastel pink bedspread. She was sprawled out on her stomach, kicking her feet in the air while she read a glossy magazine full of models donning designer brand clothing. "You're going to wear a hole right through my rug." 

I stepped off the fluffy mint floor piece and began pacing the hardwood instead. "What if he doesn't show up?" I asked, prying my bitten down nails away from my mouth long enough to pull back the gauzy curtains and peer out onto the deserted street.

"He will," she replied with confidence in her tone. "He would be an absolute fool to ditch the sexiest girl that he'll ever have the pleasure of penetrating."

Forcing out a dry laugh, I flopped down beside her on the mattress. "You can say fucking, you know." My gaze immediately traveled over to the fuzzy yellow clock nailed above a poster of Harry Styles and I swallowed.

Not at Harry, although he was awfully hot, but at the time. Seven o one. He said he would be here at seven. Where is he? Did Matt change his mind about our date?

I sprang from the bed at the sound of tires on gravel and peered out the window once more. My shoulders sagged when I realized it was just Addison's father arriving home from work. It occurred to me that I might have been bordering on the edge of hysterical over an outing that Matt had never even technically labeled as a date, but I couldn't seem to get control over the waves of anxiety crashing in the pit of my stomach.

His exact words were, "I have a two for one coupon for the indoor miniature golf place that just opened up at the mall. Would you like to be my freebie as a 'thank you' for helping me study for my Geometry exam? I managed to not fail it by three points." Of course, I had responded with a resounding, "Yes" and immediately began planning our future wedding.

Just then, a car horn suddenly blared from outside, pulling me out of my reverie and I sprinted to the curtains. Pulling them aside, I revealed Matt's Jetta idling from the street, a puff of white smoke curling out of the tailpipe. "He's here!" I exclaimed. "Remember, Addison. You can't gossip to a single soul that Matt and I are going out tonight." Leaning in, I gave my friend a peck on the cheek. "But thanks for letting me use your house as a pick-up location. My dad is still suffering from daily aneurysms over the whole Matt getting sick on Thanksgiving thing."

Addison gave me a grin as she swung her feet over the side of the bed. "Don't you think it kind of defeats the purpose of me zippering my mouth shut if you're just going to parade around with him in public?"

Shrugging on my black denim jacket over my matching dress, I gave her a stern look. "Just keep quiet, okay?" On my way out, I caught a glimpse of the time. 7:06 pm. I knew he wouldn't stand me up. I wasn't worried even for one second.  

Addison followed me out to Matt's car and rapped on his windowpane. "Yes?" He asked, rolling down the glass. "What brings you slithering your way up from hell and into my presence? Do you need something?"

She scrunched her face up at him. "Well, when I couldn't find you in your usual spot there, I thought you might be up here posing as a horny teenage male with zero fashion sense. Turns out I was right." Leaning through the window, she clasped his shoulder. "Actually, I was just going to congratulate you on finally picking a girl to settle down with."

"Alright!" I intervened, jumping into action and grasping her by her sweater to reign her back in. "I think it's time for you to go upstairs."

Addison raised her head, smacking it on the window frame before turning to face me. "What did I do?" Crossing my arms, I gave her a pointed look. "What?" She asked. "Matt's obviously aware that you two are foraying out into the world together. I don't think that constitutes as me blabbing."

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