The Kissing Game

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"Who wants to play spin the bottle?" Addison called, holding up an empty glass bottle which formerly housed coconut rum.

From around the bonfire, some of our classmates groaned before resuming their chats with the other partygoers. She zeroed her jungle green gaze in on me and I shrugged. "Aren't we a bit old for that game?"

Pressing her hand against her chest, she gasped. "For kissing? Never! But if it's too juvenile for you, Jakey, we can always spice things up a tad."

"How so?" I inquired, raising a brow at her. 

She tapped her chin before raising one finger in the air. "I got it! The pair can kiss and then go off for five minutes and what they do up to them." A devious grin lit up her porcelain features as she swiveled her head around the circle. "So, who wants to join?"

"Pass," I replied, holding up one palm. "You know I prefer my spice mild." However, she took my outstretched hand as agreement, grabbing hold of it as she pulled me to a grassy spot on the ground. 

"That's one person." she stated, scanning the crowd. Her eyes lit up when she caught sight of Matt and Vanessa chatting on a log opposite us. "You two!" She called, gesturing them over towards her. "Get your asses over here. We're playing a grown-up version of spin the bottle."

Matt stared at her, mouth agape before glancing over at Vanessa. "What do you say?" He asked. "Are you interested?"

She nodded, a slow smile curling her lips. In the glow of the bonfire, I noticed the rosy tinge on her cheeks and a flame of my own lit from within me.  Is she hoping to kiss Matt? I must be mistaken. She tells me everything. Surely, she would have shared if she was crushing on my best friend.

Addison clapped her hands, drawing the attention back on herself. "Fantastic. We just need a couple more participants and then we can begin." She slipped into the crowd, returning moments later with Ariana Swift, a girl from the science club I was in, Jeff Lewis, the blonde pitcher from our school's baseball team, and Alex Banks, delusional rapper.

She motioned for them to join the circle as she took a spot next to Jeff, batting her long faux lashes at him. Of course, the girl's as attracted to athletes as magnets are to metal.

Clearing her throat loudly, she waved the translucent bottle in the air. "Who wants to go first?"

"I'll do it," Ariana volunteered. "I'd be happy to make out with anyone of you." Her gaze flicked over to Alex's pimply face and she shuddered slightly. "Well, almost any of you," she muttered.

My gaze wandered over to Matt as she took her turn. He was fiddling with the chain that was connected to his belt loop, his fingers running up and down the metal feverishly. Is he nervous? He had opened up to me previously about his rough history with our classmates and it occurred to me that he might not have kissed anyone before.

I studied the way a chestnut lock fell across his forehead, loosened from the gel product that he favored using in his hair. Even still, I can't imagine him not having the opportunity. His eyes were as grey as the sea right before a fierce storm struck and his skin was perfection, not a blemish to be found. Absentmindedly, I fingered the small scar that marred my eyebrow, a product from the summer that five-year-old Vanessa got mad at me for not constructing the treehouse to resemble Barbie's mansion and subsequently bashing me in the face with a stick as punishment.

My glasses had shattered instantly, and as the frame pushed up my face, my brow was sliced open clean. And somehow, I still adore the little brat.

I smiled at my sister, not immediately aware that Addison was nudging me in the side. "Jake," she murmured. "Ariana got you."

I shook my head, my thoughts instantly getting pulled back to the present. "Oh." A nervous laugh bubbled out of my throat as my sights settled on Ariana. "Do you...or should I..."

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