More Than Just A Bromance

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If it hadn't been for her, I wouldn't have stood there in that moment, my gaze surveying out across a sea of blue.

As my cap came sailing back down from the sky, I gripped the edges and returned it atop my head. It's all finally over. The name-calling, the awkward attempts to fit in, and the struggle to keep my grades up.

It was Graduation and had it not been for Addison's act of kindness, I knew that I wouldn't have been included as one of the many to receive a diploma that day. After the ceremony had drawn to a close, my gaze slid over towards her being flocked by classmates congratulating her and relatives stuffing colorful bouquets into her arms.

Her beaming smile was a stark contrast against her bouncy raven waves. She was the epitome of beautiful, popular, and adored. And she had stuck up for me multiple times. She didn't have to, but she chose to anyway.

Our eyes locked across the courtyard, and she gave me an enthusiastic wave. I wiggled my fingers at her in return, a smirk upon my face. Perhaps, we'll keep in touch. Or maybe, we'll drift apart as high school friendships tend to do and our paths will stay separate until we inevitably bump into each other in a coffee shop one day. She'll have a child on her hip and another pulling on her hand. We'll exchange pleasantries before she rushes out the door to attend to the lengthy list of errands that she needs to get done before dinnertime.

I'll pause and recall what she had done for me back when I was only eighteen. Then I'll continue about my day, quickly forgetting that we had ever meant anything to each other at all.

My sights veered towards Vanessa, and I smiled wistfully. Then there's her. She wore a scowl on her features as Alex attempted to wrestle a dozen pink carnations from her fingers. "Let me carry those for you, sugar," he pleaded. "You need to save your hand strength for later."

I chuckled when he gave her a smarmy wink, baring his mossy teeth. I'll never forget how much she matters to me. But just as with Addison, our future was meant to stay parallel, never intertwining. It was all bittersweet, and I was ready to move on.

Approaching from behind, my dad gave me a clap on the back. "You did it, son. I'm proud of you. And if your mother were here too, I know that she would be bursting at the seams with giddiness over your accomplishment."

My eyes misting over, I wrapped my father up in a tight hug, not caring who witnessed the display of affection. "I love you, Dad," I whispered.

Smiling, he pulled away. "What do you say we go out to dinner to celebrate? You deserve a reward for all of your hard work." Our gazes met and we both burst out into laughter. He shrugged. "Well, you put in some effort, and you still graduated so I would like to treat you for that."

Biting my lip, I studied him. "Do we have the cash for that? I'm okay with eating at home. You can whip up your famous lasagna."

He hung his head slightly as a flash of remorse clouded his face. "Yes," he replied. "I made sure to pick up extra shifts at work this week so that I could take you wherever you wanted to go."

I opened my mouth to insist that he save the money for a weekend of air conditioning when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Whirling around, I came face-to-face with Jake. His cheeks instantly flushing, he rubbed the back of his neck. "Um...I was hoping that I might be able to convince you to talk with me for a minute."

My father looked on with curiosity but upon our sights meeting, he held up his palms and took a step back. "Listen, why don't you spend tonight with your friends? Dinner can wait until Friday."

Nodding, I returned my attention back onto Jake as my father made himself scarce. I folded my arms across my chest, raising my chin. "What do you want, Jake? Did it occur to you that your fist missed a spot on my jawline when you attacked me?"

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