I Would Have Definitely Hooked Up With You

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I dragged the fluffy pom-pom of my pen across my lips as I studied him. The way his dark hair hung just above his full brow and the slight curve of his back as he hunched over the textbook on his desk. 

I despise you.

Even the initials on his varsity jacket scorched the fabric like a scarlet letter. The emblem of a jock should have had me fanning my face and imagining naughty scenarios starring him having his way with me atop the school desk. In another world, I would have easily welcomed him with open legs, allowing his fingers to trail their way up my pleated skirt. He would have turned me around and bent me over a chair, smacking my behind with a ruler as punishment for being a misbehaving schoolgirl that flirted too much instead of doing her homework. 

But instead, all I could fixate on was every word that had fallen from his lips as though it were acid.

He has to pay.

I watched as he raised his hand high in the air, an eager expression on that beautifully ugly face of his. "Yes, Scott?" Miss White asked, lowering her glasses down onto the bridge of her nose.

"Can I use the restroom?"

"I don't know, can you?"

Half the class groaned while the other half rolled their eyes at the classic teacher joke. He cleared his throat, a pink flush on his cheeks. "May I?"

She nodded, wordlessly holding out the hall pass in the palm of her hand, and I saw my opportunity shining at me as though it were a golden beacon. I fumbled around in my purse for a number two pencil, pressing the tip against the grain of the desk and smiling when it broke off effortlessly.

Oh no, it appears it needs sharpening. I strode past the back row of seats, Scott's just two over from mine, pausing at the sharpener. On my way back, I slipped his jacket off the chair with a stealthy ease. Or so I thought.

My eyes locked with Alex Banks; his brows raised high on his forehead. Pressing my finger against my lips, I sat down as he turned to me and whispered, "If you want me to keep quiet, then you're going to have to buy my silence."

My stomach churned at the sight of his fuzzy yellow teeth flashing at me in a wide grin. "What do you want," I questioned, stuffing Scott's garment into my handbag. If he says a kiss, I'm going to puke and throw this whole plan into the trash. Sorry, Matt, but nothing is worth contracting a mysterious disease.

Alex tapped his chin. "Vanessa's phone number."

I curled my mouth up into a sneer of disgust. "You aren't going to send her any dick pics, are you?"

He scoffed. "She wishes. I see the way she's been eye fucking me. But I'm a gentleman, Addie. Ask any of my girlfriends. I only show the jewels when we are making love on a bed of rose petals."

"Righttt..." I replied, hastily scribbling down some digits onto a scrap of paper and shoving it into his sweaty palm. He didn't have to know it was a fake. The same way my older sister, Ally didn't need to be privy to the fact that I had just given away her number. 

Deal with that, Alison. Perfect Alison with the perfect grades and the perfect boyfriend. She could use a little flaw in her life. Maybe that will get my parents off my back for a bit about not being more like her when they flock to aid her in the crisis of some random guy messaging her.

But now was not the time to lose my focus. I was only a third of the way done with my revenge.

Troy spun around to face me, questions dancing in his muddy brown eyes. He nodded. "Yea, I suppose this does make sense, actually. It was only a matter of time before you got a grip on reality and realized which side was wise to be on."

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