Boobs Are Hot. Curves Are Enticing

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"Where the hell have you been?" I asked with a bite to my tone as Matt came sauntering over with a smug expression on his face.

I thrust a can of cola against his chest, the beaded condensation leaving my fingers slick. "I went off to score us some food and drinks and when I returned, you were nowhere to be found." And I was left twiddling my thumbs while watching a group of girls make kissy faces at a camera, rolling my eyes over how silly they looked.

"I'm sorry," Matt apologized, accepting the beverage and popping back the tab before taking a swig. The smile that he could barely contain indicated that he was anything but remorseful. "But Aimee approached me while you were gone and well..."

He leaned in closer, and I could smell the tangy aroma of sweat wafting from his heated skin mixed with a whisper of sunscreen. I swallowed. The fragrance is only pleasant to you because you like that sort of beachy coconut scent.

Then why do you have the urge to bury your nose in his neck and inhale deeply? Tropical fruit isn't that attractive.

Matt stared at me expectantly with a broad grin and I realized that I had missed something he just stated.

I shook my head. "I didn't catch that. What were you saying?"

"I said..." He lowered his voice to a murmur. "That Aimee gave me head."

"Oh." I wasn't sure what the typical response to such a confession was, so I gave him a weak fist bump and asked, "Did she bite you?"

My friend gave me a strange look before shaking his head. "No...It was fucking amazing though. I never would have guessed the things her mouth was capable of. I'm definitely going to try and get her to do it again."

Suddenly, Matt furrowed his brows. "What? You're giving me a funny look. Do I sound like a complete ass right now?"

It occurred to me that I didn't want to hear about his sex life. Is this something guys usually discuss with each other?  I shrugged. "I just didn't expect you to move that quick with her is all."

Chuckling, he clasped me on the shoulder. "Hey, me neither. I assumed that we would just make out a little but if some girl is offering to suck my dick, who am I to say no?"

My blood instantly began to boil, and I brushed his hand away. Is the only thing he cares about is having sex with girls? Shoving my hands in my pockets, I turned away and began gathering up my towel and discarded t-shirt. 

He plopped down on the lounger, watching me with a baffled expression. "I'm sorry," he piped up. "I'm a shitty wingman. I'm out there hooking up with Aimee without even making sure that my boy has a girl of his own first." He scanned the pool deck, his eyes twinkling as they fell upon Ariana. "Ari's still here. Do you want me to invite her over-"

Whirling around, I slammed my belongings down onto the chair. "I don't want Ariana!" I shouted. My outburst caused a few nearby partygoers to give me curious glances and a couple of snickers.

Matt's mouth dropped into an "O" shape as he stared at me. " about Olivia then?"

"You don't fucking get it," I yelled, collapsing down onto the lounger and dropping my head into my hands.

He scooted over, giving me an awkward thump on the back. Raising my head slightly, I glanced over at him. A lopsided grin spread across his face. "I'm not very good at this comforting thing," he muttered. Sighing, he ran his palms down his thighs. "Jake...I know that you might not be the most sought-after guy in school but that doesn't mean that you can't score a girl."

My Brother's Sexy Best Friend (18+)Where stories live. Discover now