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the most famous event in all of history... the "Ragnarok" a tournament where a group of thirteen humans put their own lives on the line and fought against gods for their own survival. these thirteen are known as the thirteen god killers, otherwise known as Ragnarok's team of humans.

but let's forget that for now because it's already done; that's right Ragnarok's over! long story short the humans kicked the gods asses and they whined all the way back home.

because the humans won Ragnarok we decided to throw a little beach getaway to celebrate...  and I ended up being forced to come with them on the trip.

oh right I haven't introduced my self... my name is Apostley and I'm the current goddess of apocalypse and the leader of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

but let's forget about me and get to the story since it's sure to be one hell of an adventure!

the most important thing is to have fun and remember that: you're on a vacation so there's no telling what you'll do or who you'll meet-- like say if you meet a certain group of god killers and accidentally go on a few dates with one or two of them or maybe romance a old friend instead.

in the end it doesn't matter what you choose because all answers are valid in the tired eyes of Apostley...

(somewhere on a tropical island in the middle of a not so specific ocean)

there standing on the beach are three familiar figures.

"Brunhilde... I don't understand why we have to wait here for them. I'd rather be exploring the island while it's still empty." I said looking over at the woman standing beside me. the woman in question was noticably taller than me and was wearing a long dress that didn't quite fit our setting.

"we've been waiting for a hour... Brunhilde what if they just aren't coming?! after all according to our sisters a few of them looked annoyed when they asked them to join us on this trip..." the shorter girl beside me said bursting out into tears. while she was just barely shorter than me her personality is surely younger than her body.

"now, now, Goll. don't you worry about anything like that! after all I already made sure they were coming (it was only so I didn't look like a fool but it still counts)" Brunhilde said comforting her sister but something about her words felt like they had... malicious intend behind them?

"if they don't get here soon I'm--" I tried to say but just as I was about to a bright flash of light came from directly Infront of us.

"finally the thirteen god killers have arrived...." Brunhilde thought looking at the group Infront of her.

"took ya long enough! I was starting to wonder if you weren't coming at all!" is what I wanted to yell when I saw them but I chose not to mention their tardiness.

"sorry our valkyrie's told us about this trip at the very last minute!"

"mine actually told me days ago..."

"is one of us missing? nope it was just my imagination!"
the group of humans rambled on and on. some just making excuses on why they were late, others just observing their surroundings and taking in the tropical air.

"alright since we're all here I see not point in further delaying the introduction--" Brunhilde began. the moment she started to speak a eyes went to her. I envy her ability to captivate her audience using only respect. having thought this I realize now that I want to be more respected in the god community.

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