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"hey Adam...wait where's your Valkyrie and what are you doing?" i asked walking over him.

"Reginleif didn't want to come to the beach...and to tell you the truth... being on this island reminded me of eden, and I guess it made me a little worried about Eve" Adam said slightly splashing in the ocean.

"if you're that worried about her why'd you come? you know you can just ask Brunhilde to take you home..." I asked sitting down beside him, putting my shoes into water...which felt horrible.

"well I came on this vacation to spend some time with my other kids" Adam explained staring off into the distance.

"geez...I'm sure Eve's perfectly fine after all Abel and Cain will protect her if anything bad happens" I said trying to cheer him up. after all seeing your father sad (even if he isn't actually your father) kinda makes you sad.

"heh thanks Apostley... hey do you wanna play in the ocean with me?" Adam asked.

"yeah lets play together!" I said standing up.

"thanks for taking the time to talk to me, Apostley " Adam said grabbing my hand.

"you don't have to thank me, dad" I said looking up at him.

in the end I spent the day playing in the ocean with dad-- I mean Adam. I've got to admit it was fun playing with him...

While Adam isn't my actually father, he is much nicer than the man who raised me, But that happens when your raised by the devil...

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