Week 2 (day) end: the banquet

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just as I began to leave the group I noticed how the sun just barely visible, it must've started setting at some point when I was distracted by my friends, and I just didn't notice till now.

"...I feel like I've forgotten something" I said as I started walking away from the beach.

"oh, right! there's a banquet today, at 10:30--wait what time is it?!" I said looking around.

"it's super late, I wonder if I missed the banquet...guess there's no harm in going there now--" just as I was about to run back to the hotel, i felt something--or more accurately--someone grab my arm, the moment I felt this person's hand on my arm I immediately recognized who this person was.

"Goll?" I asked, looking back at her.

"hi, Apostley!" Goll said, smiling adorably.

"um hi? why'd you grab me?" I asked turning to face her.

"w-well I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me to the banquet-- i-if you want I mean!" Goll said, her face turning slightly red out of embarrassment, just as usual Goll was getting all shy over such a small thing.

"um yeah, sure. (so I wasn't late for once...weird)" I said before Goll grabbed my hand.

"yay! let's go there together!" Goll said, giving my hand a small squeeze as she spoke.

"we should get going if we want to arrived on time--" I started to say before Goll cut me off.

"umm not to be rude...but the banquet began at 10:30 and it's 11:04 so" Goll explained.

"oh um well I'm sure there's some food left for us...(I'm late once again!)" I said letting out a small sigh before me and Goll head towards the hotel, hand in hand.

"so Goll...why didn't you help set up the banquet?" I asked trying to make small talk.

"I tried to, I really did but Brunhilde said that "I should be having fun on this vacation not trying to make more work for myself" or something like that..." Goll said frowning, it was obvious that she wanted to help her sister but ended up getting pushed away...just like what happened back at Ragnarok.

"...(change the subject! change it!) hey Goll why did you stay out so late? why didn't you to the dinning hall earlier?" I asked trying to avoid upsetting her again.

" well 'hilde told me to go play outside so I went down to the beach...and I guess i lost track of time-- b-but that's okay since we can be late together!" Goll said squeezing my hand tighter.

"good...she's smiling again" I thought as I pushed the hotels door open, I hadn't even realized how far we walked due to how absorbed I was in our conversation...or more accurately how absorbed I was in Goll's bubbly and kind presence.

"the dinning hall is just through those big doors" Goll said pointing at two large doors by the check-in desk.

"alright let's go" I said as me and Goll walked towards the door, stopping for a bit before opening the door.

upon opening the door we were greeted with complete silence. while I'm not sure what the dining hall had looked like yesterday, I'm sure it had been completely changed since then, the walls were covered with what looked like ocean themed decorations, cute fish bowl lanterns were hanging from the ceiling, and all the tables had been covered with aquarium stylized table covers. it really made me wonder if Poseidon had helped decorate the place.

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