Week 2 (night)

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after a long sleep i woke up in my room completely unaware of how it got back there.

"I'm back in my room? but how?" i thought as I stumbled to my feet. how did it get back here indeed, because I distinctly remember passing out in the stairwell.

"did someone carry me back here or...?" I asked myself as I walked to the my rooms door.

"what time is it?" I thought as I peaked out into the hallway. but all the lights in the hallway were off meaning that it was most likely night by now.

"ugh...my head" I groaned as I stepped out of my room, closing my door behind me. but as I was about to walk down the hall I noticed I had stepped on something that felt like paper.

"a note? who left this here?" I said as I picked up the note that I had stepped on earlier, and began to read it.

the note read:
"are you alright? I had to carry you back to your room late this evening. I hope you aren't mad that I went into your room" at the end of the note the name "Beelzebub" was signed in elegant cursive.

"...so Beelzebub carried me back here? that's good-ugh!" I tried to say before a terrible headache struck me.

"ow! what the hell?! ugh...I should go outside and get some fresh air before I puke..." I thought as I made my way back to the stairwell. as I walked down the stairs I felt my self becoming dizzier and dizzier as I went further down the stairs.

eventually though I arrived in the hotel lobby and made my way out of the hotel.

"ugh...just barely got out here in time..." I said as I took in a few breaths of the cold night air. as I breathed in and out my head and stomach cooled down and stopped hurting.

"....phew" I let out a sigh, thankful for the fact I didn't throw up or pass out again.

"...maybe taking a walk will help me relax a bit" I thought as I began to walk down to the beach. the walk wasn't hard but the only light source I had to follow was the not-so-bright half moon in the sky. when I made it to the beach I realized that I was still wearing my swimsuit.

"oh right I never changed...oh that's a good idea" I said as I started walking towards the the ocean. the water was very cold and gave me quite the shock when I sat down in it. but despite that I still enjoyed the cold water.

"I wonder what the four horsemen are doing right now...heh I bet Pestilence is talking to his computer again..." I laughed at the thought of his weird hobby.

"War's most likely asleep and Death probably it too... hm I wonder what Famine is eating right about now..." the thought of food made me realize how hungry I was.

"I should probably go get some food ...that won't make me sick" I thought as I stood up out of the water but as soon as I stood up I felt as though I was being watched...

"ah! what the hell?!" I yelled upon turning back and seeing a figure standing behind me.

"...sorry I just came to talk to you in person...again" the figures voice was very familiar and while the moonlight was very dim and made it hard for me to see their face I recognized the voice, the person who scared me was Beelzebub once again.

"um...thanks for carrying me back to my room" I said squinting my eye trying to get them to adjust to the lighting.

"you're welcome...say Apostley may I ask you something?" Beelzebub asked, his voice seemed oddly sad.

"what's up?" I replied.

"um well is it true that...the man who raised you was... Lucifer?" Beelzebub asked but as soon as he did, his eyes kept darting around at the beach and forest surrounding us.

"...Beelzebub there's no need to say anything I already know what you did..." I said, but as I talked I started to recall what Brunhilde had told me during his match. how he had killed Lucifer after Satan possessed his body...

"forgive me...forgive my existence...please" you could hear how sad he was through how he talked about it.

"relax...there's nothing to forgive anymore...I can't blame you for what Satan did" I said turning away from him.

"..but in the end... Lucifer's blood still ended up on my hands...I took him away from y-" Beelzebub tried to say before I cut him off.

"Lucifer wasn't good at being a father...and listen I really couldn't careless if it was you or someone else entirely who killed him...I really don't care so please just go back to your room and get some sleep" I said trying my hardest not to yell or start crying.

"t-thank you!" without any warning Beelzebub had started hugging me. his arms were cold yet he still made me feel warm...I guess it made me happy to be hugged by him.

"thanks for what?" I asked, my confusion visible on my face and in my words.

"...for reminding me of her" Beelzebub said before letting go of me. I wasn't sure who he was referring to at the time but I felt happy...that I made him happy.

"um who's the 'her' I remind you of exactly?" I asked but before I could ask Beelzebub, he had already started walking away.

"eh... he's already gone..." I said letting out a sigh before shaking my head.

"what the actual hell was that about?!" I thought as I felt my stomach rumble again.

"oh right I was going to go get food before I was interrupted by Beelzebub..." I had almost entirely forgotten what I was doing due to our midnight encounter.

"hm...should I head back to the hotel or?" just as I thought about where I was going I suddenly remembered something.

"oh right, maybe I should head to that other building instead of going back to the hotel. after all I haven't been there yet" I said as I looked over at the other path that supposedly led to the gymnasium. after following the path I ended up Infront of a large building on the other side of the island.

"geez this place is bigger than the hotel..." I thought as I walked closer to the gymnasium. when I got to the door I notice that there were lights on inside the gym.

as soon as I walked into the gymnasiums lobby I noticed that there were three rooms with lights on, each room had a sign above there door.

"there's a light on in the kitchen, the greenhouse, and the storage closet...I know I came here for food but maybe i should go scare whoever's around here..." while i wasn't seriously considering it I like to think it would've been funny if I had.

"welp I might as well go see whoever is in here" I said letting out a sigh before heading off towards my selected room.

Record Of Ragnarok: The Beach Episode Where stories live. Discover now