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when I walked into the storage room I noticed a certain man digging around in the several boxes scattered across the room.

"um hello?" I said trying to get the mans attention but he either didn't hear me or ignored me on purpose, I couldn't exactly make out who it was due to the darkness of the room but I felt as though they were one of the human fighters from Ragnarok.

"where's the damn light switch?" after feeling around on the walls I managed to find the light switch. upon turning the lights on I finally realized who the man was. the man in question, who was digging around in the storage closet, was Qin Shi Huang...

"oh it's you Qin?...Qin?! what are you doing in here?!" I asked a bit surprised to see someone like him digging around in a dusty storage closet, after getting over my surprise I walked over to him.

"oh hello Apostley, I was just trying to find something!" Qin said looking up at me before going back to digging around in the boxes scattered around him.

"what are you looking for?" I asked, sitting down beside him as I talked.

"I was looking for a ball specifically a dodge ball" Qin said looking up at me again before looking back down at the box Infront of him.

"hmm...are the boxes labeled?" I thought as I glanced at the box Infront of him.

"well you're looking in the wrong box...that one's labeled baseballs" I said pointing out the label on the front of the box.

"...sadly no I already looked at the box that was labeled dodgeball's and it had baseball's in it... it looks as though someone messed with the placement of the equipment in here" as Qin explained he motioned to a box beside him, the large box was labeled dodgeball's but rather obviously was filled with baseball's.

"...geez who the heck does that!?" I said rolling my eyes before noticing a small red ball in the corner of the room, the ball was hidden in-between a very large box and a shelf.

"oh there's a ball over there" I said as I stood up and walked over to the corner of the room. after a bit of a small struggle I managed to get the ball out from behind the shelf.

"hey Qin, think fast!" I exclaimed before throwing the dusty dodgeball at his face.

"huh?" Qin said, turning to look in my direction before catching the ball before it could hit his face.

"hahaha! thanks for the help Apostley, I owe ya one!" Qin said standing up with the ball in his hands.

"remember that! because I might just want to go visit ancient China and stay at your palace one day" I said laughing at the thought.

"I shall be eagerly awaiting the day" Qin said smiling as if he hadn't a care in the world.

"heh... so why'd you want that ball anyway?" I asked walking back over to him.

"tomorrow me and Alvitir plan on playing ball together and she requested I bring a dodgeball for the game" Qin said happily holding up the ball.

"if you don't mind I have to go now...so have a goodnight, Apostley" Qin said before exiting the storage closet.

"well bye-bye!" I said waving him goodbye as I stood in the dusty storage closet, alone.

in the end I ended up spending the night assisting one of China's emperor's find a ball funny, right? after that I exited the storage closet, still brushing dust off of myself as I left.

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