Hades, Hercules and Poseidon

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"hey guys" I said walking up the three men.

"Apostley...I'm surprised you chose to join us this fine day" Hades said turning around to face me.

"yeah, I heard from Jack that you were really depressed. I was *super* worried and was going to go check on you later... but I guess everything's alright with you. but by the way if you are sad or anything tell me okay, little buddy?" Hercules said putting his hand on my shoulder, giving it a tiny, reasuring, yet comforting squeeze before letting go.

"I wasn't "depressed" I was tired and overheating...(and maybe a little bit annoyed)" I said brushing my hair away from my face, as I did this I happened to glance over at Poseidon who had avoided addressing me this whole time, my eyes slightly meeting with Poseidon for a few seconds before he stood up, slamming his unfinished drink down on the bars table as he did.

"excuse me, brother, nephew...I'm going back to my room, don't bother me" Poseidon said, his face slightly red with anger? or maybe it was just the heat?...or the sight of me.

"huh? come on Poseidon, don't be that way!" Hercules yelled trying to stop Poseidon from leaving but alas his cry's went unheard, as Poseidon had already made up his mind and was leaving the beach.

"geez what's his problem?" I asked looking back at Hades, the latter of which simply shrugged before sitting down in the chair Poseidon was originally using.

"...hey Hades, hows the wife? I haven't seen Persephone in a while..." I asked looking back at him, a slight smile appearing on his face when I said his wife's name.

"well 'sephone's been a bit...doting as of late, I guess the injuries I got at Ragnarok scared her quite a bit..." Hades said staring off into the distance,his eyes not moving much, except for the occasional glance at me.

"well yeah you got some pretty bad injuries...there was a *lot* of blood" I said shivering a bit when I mentioned it, after all the sight of all the bloodied up fighters at Ragnarok, human or not was pretty horrific...which is why I'm glad they all pulled through and survived.

"hey the injuries Jack gave me were pretty bad too! I'm really proud of him for not holdin' back!" Hercules said proudly showing off the scars on his arms.

"hey Apostley...do you regret volunteering to be a nurse back at Ragnarok?" Hades asked looking straight into my eyes.

"I really don't, but...there were a few close calls that made me regret volunteering...like seeing Hercules and Adams injuries...and all that blood it was like being a nurse during a war" I said, my eyes darting back and forth between the two.

"don't worry Apostley, it's all over and we're all here and alive so stop worrying have some fun!" Hercules said before lifting me up in the air without warning.

"H-Hercules!?" I yelled looking down at him, as he held me high over his head all I could do was stare down at his smiling face, his warm smile, and cute face mesmerizing me for a while.

"heh... alright Hercules, put the girl down... you know she's scared of heights" Hades said, holding back his laughter.

"oops sorry, little buddy!" Hercules said before setting me back down.

"i-it wasn't that big of a problem...you can do it again I'd you want...I wouldn't mind if you did" I said sheepishly blushing under my mask.

in the end I spent most of the day talking to Hades and Hercules...and Poseidon I guess? hmm i wonder why he left so soon...no actually nevermind that thought.

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