week 1

262 3 0

I had planned to lay down for a bit and maybe catch up on a few hours of sleep but sadly I ended up drifting off to sleep only to be woken up again... only to go to sleep again, the cycle never stopped untill I gave up trying to sleep.

"yeah this isn't working...all I've done is make myself tired" I said sitting up in bed, sleepier than before I tried to sleep.

"I guess I should go see what's going on--on the island I mean" I thought as I climbed off the bed, nearly falling onto the floor.

"I should change" I thought as I dug my best clothes out of my bag, and by "best" I mean the only tank top I have and the only shorts I have that aren't black.

"I look like a camp councilor..." I said looking down at my clothes. my shirt was too long so I had tucked my shirt in. I truly did look like a camp councilor specifically the ones you see in horror movies that take place at summer camps.

ignoring my lackluster outfit, I made my way into the bathroom with my makeup bag in hand.

"*sigh* maybe coming on this trip was a bad idea..." I said looking at myself in the mirror before I began putting my makeup on. my black lipstick that doesn't properly cover my lips, my mascara that I ruin on purpose every morning because I think it looks cool, my messy hair that I don't know what to do with lazily put into a ponytail. I look like a mess but I'm my mess so it's alright with me.

"one last thing..." I said grabbing my mask off the sink, putting it on, then tieing the back. why I wear the mask? it's quite simple: I wear it to have some sort of control over how people view me.

"time to go" I said walking out of the bathroom, glancing at my bag once before leaving. I had considered wearing my bathing suit under my clothes but i decided i didn't feel like playing in the ocean today so I just left it in my bag.

"I wonder who's at the beach right now..." I thought as I left my room, closing the door behind me, just slow enough that It didn't make the loud *click* noise hotel doors usually make when their shut.

"alright I'm off to the beach" I thought as I began walking down the hotels hallway only to stop and look at the door across from my room.

"seriously? who the hell left a chip Infront of the door that "couldn't be opened"?! geez why does no one pick up after themselves!" I complained as I picked the chip up off the ground.

"I'll just take this to the trash can in the hotels lobby..." I thought as I reluctantly held the slightly half eaten chip between my pointer finger and my thumb before continuing to walk down the hall (and while I could've just took the chip to the trash bin in my room i had already decided that it was to much work to go back in my room).

"who the hell has been going around leaving their half eaten chips all over the place?!" I thought as I started down the stairwell.

"...I'm starting to wish I had just stayed home" I thought as I let out a sigh before continuing down the stairs.

"second floor...and then the first floor, finally!" I thought about yelling but decided not to since yelling in the middle of a empty stairwell would probably wake someone up (that is if anyone had went to their room and went to sleep like I did).

"this hotel needs to have rules--rule one being don't leave your old food laying around for me to clean up!" I yelled throwing the chip into the trash can before accidentally wiping the chips grease onto my shorts.

"damnit...too late to do anything about it now" I thought as I walked out of the hotel. in hindsight maybe I should've questioned why there were chips randomly laying around but hey live and learn.

as I made my way out of the hotel I noticed there were three paths and a big notice board with a map on it outside the hotel.

"when did Brunhilde even do this? eh who cares... left goes to that gymnasium place, right goes to the beach, and the middle goes to...the second beach should've seen that one coming" I said as I looked over the board.

"hm yeah uh huh... I'm going to forget this immediately...welp that's a problem for later-- off to the beach I go!" i yelled before heading down the middle path. I realize now that had I taken the path on the right there may have been less people on that side of the beach.

as I made my way down the sandy path that lead to the beach I thought about who I may find when I get there.

"hm I wonder who's at the beach right now... hopefully their all in their rooms and/or at the one place on the other side of the island" I said and in all honesty I think that I was hoping someone was there... and in the end there was people on the beach.

"great..." I said as I looked around at the five people spread out across the beach.

Hlokk and Jack are building a sand castle, Shiva and Buddha are sitting at the beach bar, and Adam is playing in the ocean.

"guess I should talk to one of them...but who?" I thought as I looked around at them, each and every one of them had a smile on their face.

"guess I'll just go talk to them..." I said as I made my way in their direction...

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