week 2 (day)

61 2 0

i woke up this morning agitated and even more tired than I was before going to sleep. the only read I even got up was because someone had entered my room, and started to flip the light's on and off.

"geez...what the hell?" I said sitting up in bed, moving the blanket down to uncover the lower half of my body.

"wakey! wakey! surprised to see me?" a familiar voice came from right outside my door. the person had somehow opened the locked door, stuck their hand through the gap, all to mess with the lights in my room.

"...who are? no wait--i remember you..." I said finally recognizing who this person was. their voice was soft and elegant yet also mysterious and alluring, their hand wasn't all that unique except for the long purple nails on each of their fingers, not to mention that the person's skin was dark grey. I remember them after all it was hard to forget someone like that...

"Lust? what are you doing here?!" I yelled jumping out of bed before running over to the door.

"hehehe...I got bored and decided to pay you a visit" Lust said smiling at me as I opened the door to let her in.

"is...that really why you're here?" I asked letting her into my room.

"eh well purgatory gets boring after a while... you get tired of the same old people so I decided to come check out you guys little beach vacation~" Lust said making herself at home, giving herself premission to touch my bag, and look around the room at my personal things.

"you just go bored and decided to crash our vacation?!" I said trying not to lose my cool.

"me? crash your vacation?heavens no!" Lust said sitting down on my bed, crossing her legs, and her arms.

"I mean it's not like you can ruin it, after all Loki already did..." i said sitting down beside Lust.

"seriously? baby, you shouldn't let that little boy-toy ruin your trip...if you do you'll just be letting him win" Lust said glancing over at me.

"like hell I will! letting him upset me...just--just reminds me of how things were before..." I said, my eyes darting around the room.

"before? oh, you mean like how things were when the others were...you know what? I have an idea--" Lust said, standing up before starting to dig around in my bag.

"what are you doing?" i asked but Lust didn't feel like giving me an answer.

"ah here we go! put this on and head down to the beach!" Lust said throwing my bathing suit into my lap.

"what...why?" I asked looking down at the black, floral print, one piece swimsuit Lust had thrown at me.

"we are at a tropical resort--with a bunch of hot men and women! go swim, pretend to drown, have some hunk preform cpr on you! or--or go play volleyball with a bunch of cute girl's with big, bouncing--" Lust said, beginning to rant before I cut her off.

"can you stop?! I'm not here to live out some beach episode romance fest! I'm just here to watch the others enjoy their vacation! got that?!" I yelled standing up, both literally and figuratively speaking, it felt strange to stand up to Lust... before I had always gone with her weird schemes (which usually failed horribly) but today i just didn't feel like being pushed around by her.

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