Weekly intermission 2

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(merlonious' diary page 21.6)

"humanity is a sin, but humanity was made in gods image, meaning humanity is only as flawed as it's creator. humanity is a flower, gods are the bees, without each other both would wither and decay yet they fight each other in a never ending battle to prove who's better and what's real... humanity truly is gods reflection"

I often find myself forgetting my father and mother's faces, it's only reasonable---after all they died shortly after I was born but it hurts me deeply knowing I caused their downfall...

'a tall imposing giantess goddess of everything who created humanity with a childish soul and a kind heart'

and a

'a half mortal half demon demigod of a thousand faces with no true way of heart and a blade for a soul' that is what everyone who knew of my parents told me they were like but...what does that even mean? it could mean anything when you think about it...

as I laid in bed with Aphrodite I questioned my past, my future, and why this was my present...there's 3 weeks left...*3* more weeks of this and I haven't done anything but attempt to awkwardly speak with and fail at managing my own emotions *sigh* "next week will be better..." is what i keep telling myself but maybe...just maybe im going about this the wrong way, is that it? is that the problem?! is my attitude towards this vacation the problem...maybe tomorrow the others will get to meet a brand new Apostley one who doesn't stand in the corner and hide from conversations, one who acts the way a former goddess of humanity should, I'll change ....I have to

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