week 1 end: confrontation

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just as I finished talking to them I heard a loud commotion from further down the beach.

"what was that?!" I yelled looking in the direction of the shouting.

"what's going on?" jack asked rushing to my side.

"did someone get into a fight?" Shiva asked running over to me  shortly after Jack.

"...I don't know, let's go check it out!" I yelled before running towards the where the noise came from, both Shiva and Jack running after me.

"what the hell are you bastards doing here?!" I heard what sounded like Brunhilde yelling in the distance.

"Brunhilde? what's going on!?" I yelled running towards her.

"look for yourself!" Brunhilde yelled pointing at the familiar group standing Infront of her.

"no way...why are they here?!" I yelled locking eyes with the gods who fought in Ragnarok against us.

"what? I didn't know they were going to be here..." Jack said looking each of the god fighters over, from top to bottom.

"hey that's not fair! you invited them but not me...what the hell?!" Shiva asked glaring at Brunhilde.

"I-i didn't invite them... I don't even know how they got here!" Brunhilde said trying to defend herself from the accusations.

"...Loki, why did you guys come here?! did you come to crash out vacation? I bet you did! can't let me have anything!" I yelled trying to hold myself back, otherwise i would have socked him straight in the face...

"oh Apostley, Apostley, Apostley.... there's no need to behave like that! we're not here to cause trouble. see let's all be friends after all Ragnarok's over!" Loki said offering me a chip.

"...(guess that explains the chips I found lying around) I find it hard to believe that you guys just came here to be friends" I said looking around at the group of gods. each face belonging to a god that fought against us... but one face in particular caught me off guard, the face belonging to Aphrodite.

"listen Apostley, buddy, ol' pal... I promise that me and the rest of team god won't harm your fun in any way....and by the way since this trip was for the fighters who fought in Ragnarok. and because of that I believe we should be here... right, Brunhilde?" Loki asked looking Brunhilde in the eyes. even though he wasn't talking to me or even looking at me anymore, I could feel Brunhilde was getting uncomfortable, and despite the fact she hid it well I could tell and I think Shiva and Jack could tell too but just as they were about to step in...

"alright I'll let you stay but if I even *think* you are plotting to ruin this trip I'll have you all sent back home! immediately!" Brunhilde yelled pushing Loki away from her before walking away.

"hehehe... alright gods time to run wild, and do whatever you want!" Loki said snapping his fingers, the moment he did the gods all started to walk away, some staying but most of them leaving.

"bye Apostley~" Loki said waving at me before he left.

"that little..." I said but decided to bite my tongue last second, after all Loki isn't worth it... or atleast that's what I kept telling myself.

Record Of Ragnarok: The Beach Episode Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora