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as I walked into the greenhouse I was met with a strange surprise.

"woah...all the plants are decaying... someone is really not doing a their job" I said looking over all the dead plants as I walked down a neat path that went directly in-between all of them.

"seriously all the plants are dead? (and I didn't even get anywhere near them until today)" I thought as I followed the path to what looked like the center of the greenhouse. in the center was a big tree which somehow was the only living vegetation in the entire greenhouse, alongside the tree was a very tall figure who I recognized almost immediately. the figure belonged to Odin the leader of the norse pantheon.

"A-All-father! what are you doing here?" I asked very cautiously taking a few steps towards him.

"hmph... waiting" Odin replied, his view never shifting from the giant tree Infront of him.

"waiting for...what exactly?" I asked looking the entire tree over trying to find something, or anything really, that he could have been referring to.

without saying anything Odin pointed at the small bird nest nestled in a small hole in the trees braches, there was a bird sitting in the nest asleep with two eggs beside it.

"you...and me" Odin somberly muttered putting his arm back down, I felt out of place in this entire encounter, I almost felt as if I was intruding on something I had no part in.

"us? i...dont talk about the past so frivolously b-but um did... did I do something?" I asked staring up at the bird sleeping in it's nest, seeing the bird made my heart throb a bit and it made me realize just how much I missed my mom...and dad... my entire pantheon really but that feeling lasted for less than a moment.

"you've got a lot of nerve betraying me, little Freya" Odin said turning away from me and the tree.

"so you...drained the entire greenhouse instead of...I dunno killing me? geez..." I let out a sigh before realizing Odin had already began walking away from me.

"h-hey wait up!" I yelled running after him, when I started to run after him, he abruptly stopped causing me to slam my face into his back.

"agk! ow...where are you going?" I asked stepping back a little, Odin turned and looked at me with a out of place grin on his face.

"I'm leaving---revenge will come shortly, little Freya, but until then sleep with one eye open!" Odin said not missing a beat, the entire interaction was so odd and out of place but...no it was very in place given our history.

"Geez! I didn't even do anything bad!" I yelled trying to advert my gaze from his our of pure intimidation.

"tsk...you sound just like her when you speak like that" I just barely heard Odin mutter under his breath.

"huh? what'd you say?" I asked looking up at him, without any words even being said or even a single emotion on his face, Odin put his hand on my head, gently ruffling my hair.

"I'm leaving now, remember what I said, Apostley... by the way enjoy the dead flowers I think they're... nice, like you" Odin said before removing his hand from my head, just like that he began making his exit just as he was about to leave the green house I felt the need to say something boiling over me.

"hey! i-I'm not your puppet anymore and I won't be coming back to Asgard anytime soon, you joke of an All-father!" I yelled at him as he was almost out of the greenhouse before leaving Odin looked over his shoulder and gave me a small glare... when he was gone I felt a extreme wave of dread wash over me.

"oh my gods! t-that...what even was that interaction?!" I asked myself as I fell backwards onto the ground, my head was spinning, my heart racing, I was sweating and secretly (or not so secretly) freaking out.

"I just...talked to the All-father like he... couldn't just kill me at any moment!? he literally ruins lives as his day job!" I felt conflicted about everything I had thought and said while speaking with Odin but secretly I felt weird...why do I have a problem with Odin when I don't even think twice when talking to someone like Jack who's a literal serial killer or Lu Bu who killed thousands upon thousands of people...why was Odin different? I felt my head spinning at the thought as if I'd forgotten something I shouldn't have ever let slip my mind.

"...oh fuck what's going on?" I thought as I laid down on the floor, the cold tile floor of the greenhouse was slightly wet from the sprinklers on the ceiling, I felt sick as if I had been infected with a horrific disease but it was all just in my head I was fine. I felt sick and I felt like I was going to pass out but instead of doing so as many would I stood up, brushing the dirt off my clothes and very slowly stumbled out of the greenhouse.

in the end I spent the night talking to none other than the All-father himself, Odin and while I felt like I had forgotten something really important I'm sure it'd all be fine in the end, it probably wasn't important anyway.

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