weekly intermission 1

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"loving others will get you further in life than hating others. being human means being a creature that knows exactly what it can do, what atrocities it can commit, what good it can do, and what evil it can set free and see flourish. that is why humans should be aware that there are consequences to the smallest of things..."

someone told me this once, and while I took their words to heart back then, they don't do me any good right now. especially since the one who told me this is long dead.

I wonder what will happen next week and the weeks yet to come. Brunhilde said something about 'holding a big feast where everyone's invited' I heard that the humans are really excited for it but something about 'everyone being invited' just rubs me the wrong way...she wouldn't invite those idiotic gods right?

guess I'll have to find out next week, but untill then I guess I have no choice but to spend my time pretending that they aren't here.

(merlonious' diary page 4.7)

"humans are made in the image of gods, they make mistakes, think too highly of themselves, and hurt each other over the smallest things.

I'm not sure if people would think as much of me if they knew that I had created the humans. but it doesn't matter as my time in this world is almost done. when I'm gone I'll leave behind a sickly human husband and a half human child which has yet to be born.

I hope the day my child is born is one of peace and joy perhaps a nice day in fall or summer, all I can hope is my husband can handle taking care of the child alone... as I'm running out of time."

"next week I won't be as horrible to everyone..." I said under my breath before drifting off to sleep. a feeling of sadness and weariness washing over me before I shut my eyes.

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