Lu Bu, Thor and Randgriz

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"hey!" I yelled running up to the group.

"ay" Lu Bu said waving at me.

"hmph" Thor said barely acknowledging my presence.

"salutations!" Randgriz said smiling kindly at me.

to my surprise I was greeted by a cheerful Lu Bu and Randgriz but Thor seemed awfully grumpy for some reason... more than usual I mean.

"Thor? what's wrong?" I asked.

"Beelzebub just abandoned our game... leaving me to play with these two alone" Thor said glancing in the direction of the hotel.

"Beelzebub was playing with you guys? well I met him in the lobby...and he seemed out of it so it's probably best he didn't stay" I said putting my arms behind my back.

"it seems today was one of his 'bad days' I'm just glad no one got hurt...this time" Randgriz said letting out a small sigh.

"hey here's an idea how 'bout me and Thor partner up and you and Randgriz partner up and we all have a finishing match together! how's that sound?" Lu Bu asked nudging me with his elbow.

"eh I'm not so sure...I've never played volleyball....I don't even know the rules" I said twiddling my thumbs.

"how about a match with no rules?" Thor chirped in.

"er...I'm not so....actually you know what? sure!" I said running over to the other side of the volleyball court.

"so it's me and you on team awesome! and then there's Randgriz and Apostley on team..." Lu Bu said looking over at us.

"team fate!" I said rolling up my swimsuits sleeves.

"tis an honor to be on your team! now let's destroy them!" Randgriz said curtsying.

"...Lu Bu had rubbed off on you..." I said before turning to face the volleyball net.

"no rules--" Lu Bu said stretching.

"No holding back--" Thor said crossing his arms before smiling ever so slightly.

"and most importantly--" Randgriz said looking over at me.

"no mercy!" I said cracking my knuckles.

after a not-so-long game of "no mercy--no rules volleyball" the game ended with Lu Bu and Thor winning... because they spiked the ball into my face.

"here is some ice from beach bar" Randgriz said holding the ice to my forehead.

"ow... the headache I'm getting from the cold ice is actually worse than the pain from having the volleyball spiked into my damn face!" I yelled looking over at Thor and Lu Bu.

"hahahaha we got you good!" Lu Bu laughed.

"heh it was rather enjoyable...but not as much as fighting in Ragnarok!" Thor said giggling slightly.

"no way the stone faced Thor just laughed...someone go tell Hades that Hell froze over!" I said beginning to laugh too.

"hehe yes someone should go alert him of this event" Randgriz said smiling cutely.

"heh heh eh... geez I have the worst headache right now" I said trying my hardest to laugh off the pain.

"sorry kid...but you've got to admit I was awesome back there!" Lu Bu said smiling.

"...I believe you are mistaken I, Thor was the 'awesome' looking one!" Thor said.

"how dare you! I was so much cooler than you!" Lu Bu yelled at Thor.

" you weren't because I am a god!" Thor yelled back.

for a good few minutes these two continued their back and forth banter.

"...I'm glad that something good came from all that fighting...." I said twisting some of my hair around my finger.

"...yeah me too" Randgriz said laying her head down in my lap.

"heh let's let them keep fighting for a while...and then leave them and see if they notice" I said looking down at her.

"sounds good" Randgriz said looking up at me.

in the end I spent most of the day  playing volleyball and talking with Lu Bu, Thor and Randgriz it was a good day...the best I had in weeks.

Record Of Ragnarok: The Beach Episode Where stories live. Discover now