- 1: I Bite At The Hand That Feeds Me -

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Izuku Midoriya loves to be outside. It doesn't matter if he's swimming, hiking, or doing anything else, as long as he's outside. He loves to see different things, go to places he's never been before. It's all so exciting to him, the rush in his veins and the pumping in his heart. 

He would never outright tell his friends, but that's what makes him feel like he's actually living his life. But the best part is that they feel the same way as him! (More or less) which makes Izuku very happy. 

They have even agreed to go visit a new place once a week after school as a hang out activity for everyone. One time it was a beach none of them have ever seen before, which was an hour drive, or climbing to a cave that was known to have shining rocks at night. 

No matter what it is, as long as he's outside and showing all of his friends the same rush that comes along with exploring, then he's happy. 


He plops himself down at the lunch table, the loud sounds of people around them almost making it hard to hear everyone else at his table. Uraraka Ochako, a round faced girl with brown eyes and hair, is eating her food like it's her last meal on death row, her chopsticks moving so fast it's almost like a blur.

Iida Tenya watches her, pushing up his glasses. He twists his mouth slightly and his brows furrow, looking like he wants to say something to her but refraining. Todoroki Shoto sits at the end on the opposite side of where Izuku is sitting, quietly eating his soba (Which Izuku knows for a fact is cold) with a neutral expression on his face.

Asui Tsuyu is typing on her phone, the green case matching her hair and eyes. She seems really focused, and Izuku takes some glances at her between looks at his tray of food. She catches him and turns, her big green eyes looking into his. 

Izuku sees someone slam a tray onto someone else's head a couple tables behind her head, which catches his attention momentarily.

"I know where we could go for today."

Izuku looks back at her and smiles, attention back to her with shocking speed. He is practically buzzing with excitement at the prospect of having another unexplored place taken off of his list. There weren't many places in town, so he assumes it will take a while to get to the place Tsuyu is suggesting, as per usual. 


Tsuyu looks back at her phone and then holds it out to show Izuku the screen and he leans towards it to get a better look. Todoroki perks up, watching them while eating silently. 

"You know the abandoned supermarket they were supposed to take down like, years ago? I'm pretty sure it would be a cool place to take some pictures or something."

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