- 9: Kissed A Guy -

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It sucks him in, the darkness wanting to wrap all over his body. It whispers to him, asking for permission. Before he can answer, the hand is off of his face, and he staggers back. His vision comes back with dizzying speed, leaving him temporarily disoriented.

"You are such a fucking dumbass! Don't look at any of these things! They'll get attached and take your soul, so just look down!"

The voice yells at him from inside of his head, and he quickly complies, keeping his eyes trained on the floor. The creature's hand is now moved to the top of his head, making sure to keep his head down.

"B-But I was looking at you, d-"

The rest of his sentence is left unsaid thanks to the creature pushing his head again.

"Just shut the hell up all together! I'll take you to your shitty friends, and then after, you'll repay me."

Izuku doesn't ask anything else, even though he has a million questions running through his brain. He doesn't know how long they walk for, the floor looking the same despite his legs moving forward. It feels like time freezes, not going forward or back.

It gives him a strange sensation, like floating in a sensory deprivation tank. No feeling, no nothing. At one point, Izuku can't tell if he's dreaming or not. He must have hit his head somewhere on his way over and is just imagining what's going on. 

He could have passed out or something and all of this is just the result. But finally, he is brought to a stop, and the hand leaves. He looks up, but the shadowy figure is already turned away, heading back deeper into the supermarket. The lights flicker slightly. 

"Don't forget, you fucking owe me, loser." 

Before he can say anything, something else takes his attention. 


Uraraka runs at him, and he only gets a second to react before she hugs him. He almost loses his footing, still preoccupied with trying to see if the creature is still there. 

"We were looking all over for you! Where did you go?!"

He doesn't see anything in the aisle, all except what was already there. He turns back to Uraraka, who has a relieved look on her face, clearly waiting for an answer. 

"Um, I was just wandering around and lost track of time." 

She furrows her brows, her shoulders tensing, looking like she's almost ready to blow up on him. He waits for it to come, but she just takes a deep breath and lets it out, her body relaxing again. 

"Okay. Just be more aware next time, we have been looking for you-" 

Iida pops his head out from one of the aisles, his glasses slightly crooked and his usually neat hair messy. His eyes land on Izuku and he groans, turning back behind him and calling out, 

"She found him!" 

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