- 10: Who Ate His Women Friends -

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There is the sound of loud rattling, and right past Iida, the shopping cart zooms and almost hits the old check out area, with Todoroki inside. His face is as stoic as usual, even though the weak cart he is in right now almost flips with him inside. 

Tsuyu keeps it in control at the split second, rushing over and grabbing the handle and steering it away from the checkout. The carts wheels screech against the floor, making Iida wince. Tsuyu stops in front of them, Uraraka putting her hands at her sides.  

"We can't blame you for getting lost, Todoroki did too for a bit." 

The boy in the cart nods, his eyes focused on him, a small gleam of amusement in them. Izuku feels his skin crawl.

"Yeah. There are a lot of bastards in here. The place is huge, so I don't run into them a lot but..."

What if Todoroki found something walking around? Like that long flesh thing, or something worse? What if- 

"Well, now that everyone's together again, we should get going." 

Izuku looks at Iida, shifting on his feet. 

"Um, why? We still have time, right? I mean, we just got here, we should explore a bit more!" 

At that moment, all four of his friends look at him like he just grew five heads and started speaking in tongues.

 "Um, Izuku, have you looked outside?" 

It couldn't have gotten dark already, he was just lost for a couple of minutes. But of course, when he looks towards the entrance of the supermarket and its sort of boarded up windows, it's pitch black. 

It was the middle of the afternoon when they got inside, but now it looks like it's the middle of the night... 

"Oh. I-I didn't realize it was that late." 

Tsuyu shakes her head and is already pushing the cart towards the entrance. 

"Maybe we still have time to get ice cream." 

Todoroki pulls out his phone probably to check the time. 

"If we run." 

Tsuyu goes through the opening, the cart barely passing through. 

"I'm taking this with me." 

She turns back to look at the rest of the group. 

"If we all get in, Iida can push, and we'll get there faster!"

 Iida sighs, and Uraraka holds his hand, pulling him forward with a smile. 


She looks back at him. 

"Are you okay with that?" 

Iida looks smitten for a moment, before getting it back together and nodding quickly. 

"Y-Yeah okay... As long as everyone is being safe!" 

Uraraka giggles and Izuku hears Tsuyu cheering from a distance. He looks back at the aisles, looking for the shadow creature from before. There is nothing, but the lights further into the aisle flicker, almost calling him. He feels his breathing halt, and he takes a step towards it.


"Izuku! Come on!"

He snaps out of it and turns back around, going towards his friends.


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