- 20: We Wont See Him Anymore -

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Since everyone had some form of schoolwork they needed to get done, the agreed meeting time is around six. That would give them enough time to drive to the forest, do some stuff, and then drive back. 

Izuku walks home by himself, the creature going back to only appearing in the corner of his eye. When he gets home, his mom isn't there, probably still at work. He takes his shoes off, and the shadow creature is standing in the kitchen next to the fridge. 

"You're going to take me to this shitty dance, nerd. Thats how you'll repay me." 

He pauses, and stares at the creature, who looms over him. 

"The dance? Why would you-?" 

Before he can fully ask his question, it hits him. There will be tons of people there, not just at the dance but at the school too. It would be easy for the creature to get as many people as it wants. The thought makes Izuku's skin crawl. 

"I'll change forms and eat as many fucking extras as i want. I can already hear you starting to bitch about it, so I came up with another part of our agreement." 

It suddenly gets cold, and Izuku instinctively takes a step back, eyes not leaving the creature for even a second. That is until it flickers, disappearing from his line of sight. He takes another step back and feels something cold and wet touching his back. 

He is rooted onto the floor, and is about to scream, but the sensation begins to spread. It consumes his entire body, and he doesn't see anything but pitch-black space. He can't hear himself scream, even though he knows for a fact that he is. 

He can feel the strain in his throat and is forced to stop when the slimy feeling begins to enter his mouth. He gags, tears beginning to sting his eyes. It hurts, but the cool space around him feels... nice? He shoves the thought away and tries to struggle. 

Nothing happens. 

No matter how hard he tries to move, it's like his body refuses to listen. His vision starts to get blurry, and he feels lightheaded. He can't breathe. 

Is this how he's going to die? 

He can't breathe 

What does he do? 

What is this place? 

He's going to die 

He doesn't want to die 

He can't die 

His body won't listen 


In an instant, the feeling disappears, and he falls onto the floor, coughing so hard his whole chest burns. Tears fall from his eyes as he struggles to finally catch his breath. 

"If you don't do your part, I'll make sure I actually swallow you. And if that doesn't keep you in line, I'll eat your mom, maybe some of your nerdy ass friends while I'm at it. Understand, Deku?"  

He glares up at the creature that looms over him, a grin on its face. His chest rises and falls, steadily slowing, and he roughly wipes his eyes. It takes him a while, but he answers in a scratchy voice. 


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