- Chapter 32 -

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The car ride back is hazy, thanks to Izuku going in and out of being half conscious and then falling back asleep. Everyone just seems tired, Uraraka resting her head on Iida's shoulder and him leaning on the window, fast asleep. 

He can't see Todoroki, but seeing as he hasn't moved from his slightly leaned back chair, Izuku guesses he's probably asleep too. Tsuyu keeps herself awake by blasting loud music from the radio, which does not bother anyone else since they are all so tired. 

When he wakes up again, it's because Uraraka is groggily shaking him. Her brown eyes are half open, and by the sound of her voice he can tell that right when he leaves, she's falling back asleep. 

"Izuku... We're at your house. See you... Tomorrow." 

Izuku wipes his eyes and yawns, 

"Yeah. See you guys tomorrow." 

He opens the car door and steps out, the cold air waking him up a little bit more. He gives Todoroki a passing glance, who waves bye. He smiles and waves back, before he walks to his door. He hears the car leave as he walks inside of his house. 

It's dark, and he sees his mom's shoes at the door when he takes his own off. He sluggishly makes his way upstairs to his room, his feet dragging on the floor. He changes fast before plummeting onto his bed, welcoming the comfortable blankets with open arms. 

Before he can let the sweet relief of sleep take him, he mutters, 

"Good night kacchan." 

He hears a response in his head.

 "Good night, Deku." 


Izuku's alarm wakes him up for school the next morning. It's like every other day, though Kacchan isn't hovering around him like always. He just assumes Kacchan is doing his usual thing, whatever that is. 

He walks to school, and gets to class, the breakfast he had before making him feel like he can pay attention the entire time classes are happening. Todoroki is one of the only people in the classroom when he enters. He pauses his studying when Izuku goes over to him. 

"Good morning, Todoroki!" 

The other gives him a polite smile back. 

"Good morning Midoriya. Looks like you got up early this time." 

Izuku can hear the underlying tone of fondness in his voice. 

"Yeah, and I had breakfast! Today, I'm an academic weapon." 

The two of them continue to talk to each other, more of their peers trickling into the classroom as time passes. The moment Uraraka and Iida step into the room, the two of them have a sort of air around them. 

It's warm and comforting, though at the same time, it holds the usual bitterness of looking at a happy couple. Uraraka's bright smile directs itself at Izuku when she comes over, her brown eyes barely holding in her excitement. 

She tackles him in a hug, and he backs up into Todoroki's desk, who adjusts it back smoothly. 

"Izuku! Good morning!" 

Izuku hugs her back before they both pull away, Iida looking down at his girlfriend with a faint smile on his face. 

"Good morning Uraraka! You're in a good mood today! Any reason?" 

Her cheeks dust pink and she giggles, wringing her fingers together. 

"Oh, no reason! Just happy to be in class!" 

Izuku sees both her and Iida glance at each other and assumes that he's better off not knowing. He sees Tsuyu enter, a drained look on her face, a clear contrast to Uraraka's own bright expression. 

"Good morning, everyone." 

She sits in her seat and lets her head drop onto her desk, groaning. Izuku gives Todoroki a questioning look. He rests his head in his hand and answers. 

"She got home late after dropping everyone off after her car ran out of gas in the middle of the street." 

Tsuyu looks at them, her long green hair tied up into a bun that looks like it's about to come undone any second. 

"It wasn't in the middle of the street. It was in the middle of nowhere, in the dark, with my phone battery at five percent, with only a creepy house around." 

"Maybe you would have saved battery if you didn't scream everything to me on the phone." 

"You're supposed to be my emotional support when I'm stranded Todoroki, it's in your job description!" 

The five of them keep talking until the bell rings, forcing them all to go back to their seats. The start of class is like usual, Mr. Aizawa walking in, greeting everyone, and then starting on his announcements. 

Izuku already has his pen in his hand, ready to write notes when the lesson actually begins. Today, he is going to catch up on all of the notes he didn't take last time! Mr. Aizawa lets out a sigh before he speaks. 

"Since the last class didn't have any room and the faculty likes to use me as a doormat for brats like you, we have a new student joining our class." 

He doesn't look at the class door, starting to take out papers for the lesson. 

"Come in." 

The door opens, and someone walks in. Izuku is looking down at his notes, trying to get everything in order, not seeing who it is. 

"You're supposed to introduce yourself briefly. Hurry it up so I can start." 

It's then that Izuku looks up, and his eyes meet bright red ones. Kacchan looks away from him, his glare scanning the class as he speaks. 

"My name is Katsuki Bakugou." 

Izuku notices that he has one of his old backpacks slung over his shoulder, his hands in his uniform pockets. 

"You can sit in front of Midoriya. Raise your hand." 

Izuku goes to raise his hand, but Kacchan is already walking towards him, sitting down in the seat in front of him. His chair bumps against his own desk, and the blonde looks back at him and gives him a curt nod.

 "Alright, everyone get out their notebooks and let's pick up from last class." 

The sound of everyone getting their stuff sounds muffled to his ears. Kacchan looks in his bag then turns to him again, Izuku just staring back. 

"Deku, give me some paper." 

Kacchan pauses for a moment, 

"And a pen while you're at it." 

Izuku furrows his brows, wanting to ask so many questions. How is kacchan even here? Why did he just bring an empty backpack? Is he really in front of him or is he hallucinating? 

"Oi, Deku, a pen and a fucking piece of paper."

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