- 6: They Always Seem To Find Me -

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He knows he should look away, but he can't. His feet are planted onto the floor, and he can barely breath. He feels like his heart is constricting, and all of this is a reaction to just seeing the shadowy figure. It's not looking at him, looming over the aisle behind him. 

It slowly reaches a long arm out and picks up a small box from one of the shelves. It's small and colorful and it rips it open, tilting its head back and letting the contents of the box fall into its mouth, which opens so wide Izuku guesses its five times the length of himself. 

His legs are shaking and he's sweating so hard he can feel the pools of sweat at his armpits. He takes a shaky breath in, then out. The small sound seems to have gotten the things attention, because it drops the box and turns to him slowly. 

Its red eyes focus on him, and he feels the effects tenfold. He stares, unable to look away even though every single atom in his body is begging, screaming for him to turn and run away. To get as far away from this thing as he possibly can. But instead, he says, 


His voice comes out a lot clearer than he would have thought, and he takes that as a win. The shadowy creature doesn't move or do anything, and for a second Izuku thinks that he's just imagining things. Maybe he accidently ate that rat poison. Then it talks back. 


Its voice makes Izuku's ears ring more, and it takes over the buzzing of the lights. It sounds like a thousand voices all overlapping each other, a woman, a boy, a man, a girl, and even the rough voice of an elder. But the voice that overpowers all of them is one of male who sounds close to Izuku's age. 

"What... Are you?" 

He can't look away and waits for its answer. The creature stares at him, its red eyes burning into his very being. It then outstretches a long arm in Izuku's direction, which makes him tense up slightly. 

Despite having no other facial features (Its mouth disappearing into the black void that is this being's body) his voice conveys more than enough of its annoyance. 

"Fucking rude. Its none of your damn business freckled fuck." 

Izuku's eyes widen, and he stares at it in silence for a moment. 

"Um... I'm sorry if i offended you or anything..." 

He looks down for a moment before looking back at the shadowy creature, who just continues to look down at him. Its body towers over him, almost eclipsing all of his vision. His heartbeat slows, and he takes a deep breath. He holds it for a moment before letting it out, feeling his muscles relax slightly. 

"My name is Izuku Midoriya. What's yours?" 

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