- Chapter 55 -

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It only takes a couple of minutes in the car before Izuku falls asleep. He can feel his head leaning on top of his own, soft snores coming from his mouth. Izuku is sitting up higher than him because of the booster seat, and he makes sure not to move too much. 

Instead of just sitting there staring blankly at Inko from the rearview mirror or the window, he pretends to be asleep too. He leans against Izuku and closes his eyes. He can't actually dream or anything, and even then, he could always listen to the sounds of the car and the things outside. 

But he can feel what Izuku is feeling through their souls. It feels like a pleasant dream, something that makes Izuku excited. He thinks about what it could be the whole car ride, until he feels the vehicle come to a stop. 

"Boys! We're here!"

Inko smiles at the two of them as she gets out of the car, grabbing her purse and shutting the door. He turns to the sleeping boy next to him and shakes his shoulder. 

"Deku. We're at your house-" 

As he's talking, Izuku slowly opens his eyes, still kind of out of it. A second passes before Izuku is fully away, big green eyes wide with excitement and a big grin stretching his flushed cheeks as he unbuckles himself. 

"Kacchan! We're here!!" 

He rolls his eyes and unbuckles himself, before quickly holding Izuku's hand. 

"I know, that's what I said." 

The boy doesn't seem to really process what he says, already opening the door and pulling him out. Inko is at the front door of the small but comfortable looking house, her keys in hand. She smiles as they run over. 

"Izuku, don't go dragging your friend around." 

Izuku is hopping around excitedly, his hand going up and down over and over. 

"I'm sorry mama, but I'm so happy that Kacchan is here for my birthday!" 

The word 'Birthday' is dragged out excitedly in a high-pitched tone. Inko can't hide the happiness in her eyes even when she tries to be stern. She opens the door and holds it so that Izuku can rush through, pulling him with him. The first thing he notices is the smell of the house. 

Lemons, spices, and herbs. None of them are overpowering, just faint smells that mingle together. The small home is bathed in sunlight, the rays shining down on green hanging plants in the kitchen and the small herb garden next to the window. 

It's all a blur of quick moving objects as Izuku takes him up the stairs. There are framed pictures hanging on the walls, all of them of Izuku or Inko. From the soft sunlight he can see the small particles of dust in the air, and his and Izuku's sweaty hands held together. 

"This is my room!" 

They are now down the hall, where a door spotted with All Might stickers and other colorful heroes waits, a small sign hanging from a small nail. It's All Might themed, with Izuku's name scribbled on it with messy handwriting. 

Izuku grips the doorknob with his other hand, twisting and turning, struggling for a moment, before he finally manages to open it. He lets it hit the wall on the other side, and grins at him. 

"What do you want to play with first!?" 

They play a bunch of random stuff, and it feels a lot different than when they play at the daycare. There aren't any annoying extras getting in the way, and it's just him and Izuku. They play superheroes, build a fort, sword fight, and even end up taking a nap in the fort they build. 

Of course, he doesn't sleep. He just lays there on the pillows and blankets, his head turned so he can watch Izuku's breathing. A soft buzzing fills his ears as he feels the warm sunlight touch his skin, making him feel slightly sluggish. 

A new feeling. 

He looks at the way his long eyelashes fall against his skin, his green curls haloed around his chubby face and freckled cheeks. The smell of cake and food rise from downstairs, wafting into the room through the open door. 

He watches Deku's noise twitch, before his eyes slowly open and he yawns, the haze of sleep clear in his eyes. He stares back at him, a big grin breaking out on his face. He doesn't say anything, their joined hands between them. 

Izuku loosens his grip, tightens it, repeating, letting out a small giggle. He stares back at him, feeling his mind drift. There is a muffled call from downstairs. 

"Boys! Food and cake is ready!" 

Izuku sits up quickly, and the moment is broken, the green haired boy pulling him up from the fort with a happy smile. He stares at their hands as they go down the stairs. Inko smiles when they make it to the ground floor, a table crowded with food, a big cake in the middle. 

The table is set for a couple of more people, all with party hats and party bags. She adjusts some of the paper plates as she talks, 

"I didn't hear any knocking at the door, what time did you tell your friends to come, Izu?" 

Izuku looks at the ground, sad. He can feel it, and he holds his hand tighter, trying to do something to ease it. 

"I... I didn't invite anyone else..." 

Inko looks back at them, her brows furrowed in confusion, before the crease between them eases, and she nods. Her expression is understanding and warm, but she looks a little sad too. 

"That's okay! More room for us!" 

She makes quick work of clearing the extra places at the table and spreading the food out more. Izuku silently sits down, tears gathering in his eyes. He scrambles for something to say. 

"More room for us! Who needs those fucking extras anyway! We're going to eat a shit ton of cake, and they won't have any of it!" 

Izuku looks at him and sniffs, his bottom lip wobbling slightly. Then, he quickly wipes the tears away with his other hand, leaving the area around his eyes slightly red. He gives him a wobbly smile. 


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