- Chapter 58 -

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He finds himself in the familiar corner of Izuku's bedroom. The smell of death is no longer lingering, and the bucket of black liquid is gone. His bed is neatly made, and his red shoes are gone. Katsuki feels a wave of familiarity and warmth wash over him, but it slowly dissolves when he realizes that the green haired boy isn't here. 

He looks around, leaving the room and going downstairs, into every room in the house. No one is in the house, and it spikes alarm through him. What if someone terrible happened? What if Izuku is somewhere and he won't be able to find him because their souls are not as strongly attached now? 

His form wavers before he realizes what time it is. Just like always, Inko is probably at work and Izuku is at school. If he's better now, there should be no reason to go off of the normal schedule. He feels himself relax, the humming coming from his body ebbing away as he changes his form and leaves the house. 

With the bond weakened significantly, he doesn't feel that pull that guides him to Izuku every time they are apart, but he knows how to get to his school. His footsteps slam against the concrete with how fast he's running, not needing to stop to catch his breath for even a moment. 

He sees the small school building in the distance, crowded with parents and children. It's pick up time, so just like normal, Izuku will be walking this way. He turns the corner and is met with bright green eyes. The two of them stop in front of each other, Katsuki having to plant his feet, so he doesn't ram right into him.

Izuku jumps back, his shoulders stiff, his eyes shining with surprise and confusion. He drinks him in, the freckles on his cheeks, the bounce in his curls, the flush on his cheeks. He's better now, and Katsuki feels like he could hug him so tight his bones break. He takes a deep breath and lets it out, not looking away from him for even a second.

 "Deku! Now that your better, let's get some fucking ice cream! As much as you want! We could get fifty of those shitty All Might ones, and I'll actually eat it this time!" 

Previously, Katsuki had refused to eat it every time Izuku would ask since he prefers popsicles over ice cream, but for today? He would eat as much as Izuku wanted him to. He waits for the burst of excitement, for rushed words and tight hugs and excited yelling in his ear, but it never comes. 

He blinks, and Izuku still has a confused look on his face. His hands hold the straps of his yellow backpack tightly, and he takes a step back. 


He gives him a polite smile. 

"I-I'm sorry, but... Do I know you?" 

Katsuki doesn't move at all, silent. Then, he scoffs, a grin on his face. He grabs Deku's hand and grips, pulling him forward. 

"Cut the bullshit Deku. We need to make it before the line builds up again!" 

He is forced to a stop, Izuku digging his shoes into the sidewalk, pulling his hand away. The smile on his face falters, and he looks even more confused, even a little... scared? 

"I need to go home, I'm sorry but I've never seen you before and my mama is waiting..." 

He looks at the boy that he has known for years, that he has done everything with, his best friend


He feels the back of his neck crack and doesn't even care if someone passing by might see the dark pool that hides under it. 

"This joke isn't fucking funny. I'm not laughing, so fucking quit it." 

Izuku isn't smiling at all now, and he backs up again. Why? Why the fuck is he- 

"I need to go home, so please let me." 

His hands move before a thought can enter his mind, and he fists the fabric of Izuku's shirt, and slams him into the stone fence that lines the sidewalk. Izuku yelps and instinctively claws at his hands, trying to get him to let go. 

"Stop it. Fucking stop! Izuku, you know me! Tell me you're just fucking around! Say it!" 

Izuku's nails dig into his skin and slide down, leaving ugly red marks that sting. 

"Let me go!!" 

Tears build up in Deku's eyes and he feels his grip loosen. 

"Do you..." 

His voice catches in his throat. 

"Do you really not..." 

He lets go of him completely, and the moment he's free, Izuku darts off as fast as his legs can carry him. Katsuki watches him go, a blank look on his face as his yellow backpack is jostled up and down with how fast he's going. 

He turns the corner and disappears from his line of sight, and it's like his brain finally kicks in. He runs after him, catching up to him in a matter of seconds. 

"Izuku! Izuku, come back!" 

The boy doesn't turn around, continuing to run. 

"Leave me alone!" 

"Just stop fucking running! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that!" 

They pass the park in a blur, but he can still hear the music of the ice cream truck when they run past it. Izuku doesn't call back this time, running faster. 

"Don't ignore me, Deku!" 


The little boy runs into his house and slams the door shut. He is about to slam his body against it, but changes forms quickly, slithering through and appearing back into the corner of Deku's room. He only waits for a moment before Deku runs into his room, breathing heavily. 

He drops his backpack and plops onto his bed to catch his breath. He doesn't even see him when he's right in front of him. That fact burns a hole inside of him. He doesn't try to catch his attention anymore, going back to the daycare. 

He watches as it is closed down, rebuilt, and changed. A supermarket full of people is turned into an abandoned building, one that he wanders aimlessly. He wills himself to forget, forget green eyes and echoing laughs, a warm hand in his and the sight of the sun.

Forgetting is better than having to torture himself remembering things that he can no longer have. But still, that piece of his soul that lingers in Izuku's called to him the moment he saw him again.

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