- 14: Slap At The Face That Eats Me -

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She trails off, before smiling brightly again.

 "You should get to school. I don't want you being late!" 

He nods and walks away, his backpack on his shoulders. 

"Bye mom, I love you!" 

"Love you too, Izuku!"

He shuts the door and begins to walk to school. There are no cars driving down the road like most mornings, and there are barely any people on the sidewalk besides some other students from different schools. 

He catches a glimpse of the creature standing next to a tree, but it's gone before he gets a chance to look closer. He gets to school right when the bell for first period is about to ring, bursting through the classroom door out of breath and panting. 

Uraraka is the first to notice him, since her desk is near the door. Her short brown hair bobs slightly as she shakes her head, hands on her hips.

 "Izuku, you should really stay in the dorms if you can't wake up on time. Did you even have breakfast?"

Izuku walks to his own desk, still struggling to catch his breath as he puts his backpack down. 

"N-No, but I'm fine-" 

He has to pause again to breathe. 

"Just glad I made it in time!" 

He smiles at her, but she just looks worried. Iida is next to her, sitting at his desk with his back straight and hands folded neatly on top of his desk. 

"Maybe it would help if you had pre-made lunches, Midoriya. It makes sure that you are prepared to leave right away." 

He notices that Uraraka is looking at Iida a lot more fondly then normal, which makes him smile brighter. He nods slightly at Iida's suggestion and sits down at his seat, planning on resting his head for a second.

He hears someone moving behind him and opens his eyes again. Todoroki is standing next to him, holding out a granola bar. His eyes look at him, his face stoic. 

"Here. It's not much, but it should hold you over until lunch." 

Izuku smiles at him and takes it. 

"Thanks Todoroki, that's so nice of you! I really appreciate it." 

The other boy nods and goes back to his seat with a ghost of a smile on his face. Izuku takes one bite of the small snack before the bell rings, and everyone scatters to their seats. He shoves it into his bag and looks up front, right when Mr. Aizawa walks in, a frown on his face and bags under his eyes. 

He walks in front of the class, and sighs.

 "Good morning." 

Everyone responds in unison, the normal morning routine. The lesson starts, and Izuku is busy writing notes and paying attention, trying to remember every little thing he can. But that doesn't stop him seeing the creature in the corner of his eye, when he looks up at the board for a split second, or glancing at the window, or looking somewhere else. 

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