- 16: Made Impressions On Me -

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"I don't know, isn't it always kind of awkward when you date within the friend group?" 

Todoroki finishes his cold soba and puts his chopsticks down. 

"Not if you two have been openly dancing around each other for months." 

That comment makes both of them red, and Tsuyu nods. 

"We're all happy you two are finally together, Ochako. Why don't we go and celebrate?" 

With that, she puts her phone on the table, sliding it forward so everyone can see. The screen shows a bunch of trees in a forest, and under the picture is a box full of text. The picture is of a forest that is said to be haunted by a thousand cult members that sacrificed themselves there. 

"It's only an hour or two away from here, and it's a pretty popular date spot." 

Iida frowns, 

"A popular date spot? I can't imagine anyone ever wanting to go there with their partner..." 

At that moment, Izuku catches the shadow creature in his line of sight again, but this time, its standing right in the open instead of only appearing for a second. Its standing at the doorway of the cafeteria, where students are flowing in and out, some standing by the opening and talking. 

It stands out against everything else around it, looking completely out of place. Izuku has to remind himself not to do or say anything about it, since he is the only one who can actually see it. It looks like it's turned right at him despite not having a face. 

It lifts one long arm, and slowly beckons him over. 

Izuku feels every atom in his body jump to follow, and he almost hits his tray in his haste to get up. Iida and Tsuyu are starting to talk about the importance of fear when it comes to bringing couples together when he stands up with his tray with dishes in his hands. 

"I'm going to the bathroom really quick." 

He's already out of his seat and walking away when he's only halfway through the sentence, fast walking towards the area where the dirty treys are supposed to go. His friend's eyes are on his back before he starts to go towards the creature. 

He is a couple of feet away from the doorway of the cafeteria when the shadow creature begins to walk away from him and out of the big room. He nearly bumps into another group of students as he quickly walks after it. 

His eyes lock down the hall, seeing its arm beginning to disappear around a corner. He walks faster, the only thing on his mind trying to get closer to it despite it always seeming far away. Why call him over if it was just going to walk away every time he gets close? 

Its then that he notices that he's now in a pretty empty part of the school, all the way in the opposite direction of the lunchroom. There is no one around, and the creature is standing by the stairs that go up to the roof. 

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