- Chapter 63 -

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He hears the sirens before he sees the red and blue lights coming closer to the asylum. They blare in his ears, and he feels his leg jump up and down quickly as he sees the lights grow brighter against the darkness. 

When he notices what he's doing, he puts his other hand on his thigh and pushes slightly, making himself stop. Kacchan glances at him and he feels him dig his fingernails into his hand deeper.

He glances back at him and his eyes land on the back of Katsuki's neck. The skin is breaking, creating black lines barely hidden by wisps of his hair. His fingernails dig back as he looks ahead again. Iida is standing in front of him a couple of feet away, and he can see his face. 

He looks extremely relieved that the police are finally here, and everyone else seems to feel the same. The heavy air from earlier slightly loses its pressure, and some shoulders relax. There are no emergency vehicles, only police cars that stop when they get to the gate. 

The sound of doors opening and closing is carried through the quiet air right towards them, and he watches as the police study the gate. One of them calls out towards the group, a hand cupped around his mouth. 

"Hey kids! Move over here!"

It only takes a couple of seconds for the group to react. Mina, with Uraraka's hand in hers, starts to run over. Uraraka follows, holding Iida's hand. Kirishima and Kaminari help the other underclassmen get up from his distressed state and lead him over.

The rest of the group separates, but everyone is going towards the gate as fast as they can. Kacchan gets up from the stairs and pulls him up, walking quickly so they don't look strange being slow when everyone else is so happy to see the law enforcements. 

He keeps up, and sees Todoroki linger ahead. He slows slightly to run next to him, but Izuku doesn't worry about it. He is more focused on the adults they are getting closer and closer to. These are professionals, they know if someone is lying right? 

Isn't that what they do? See the signs of someone to see if they're nervous or not? Does his story make sense? Will it match with Katsuki's? Will it sound off? They are in an abandoned asylum for fun, so maybe the police will let some things slide.... 

They get through the hole in the fence. It's a little awkward with the police watching them all so closely, waiting for all of them to get to the other side.  When everyone is through, orders start to be given out amongst the officers.

"You two go check out the place. If we need more people, call in."

"Yes sir!"

Two officers leave, going through the hole in the fence after struggling for a bit. The officer that is giving orders turns to the group of students. His features are hard and sharp, his eyes burdened with heavy eye bags. His beard is patchy, and his hair is disheveled under his police cap. 

His eyes look at all of them, and Izuku counts how many seconds he lets his eyes linger on every student. One two, one two, one two. He doesn't give Izuku or Katsuki a lingering look. Good. His shoulders relax slightly. 

The police officer sighs and puts a scarred hand on the bridge of his nose, rubbing it before putting it back down at his side. 

"Alright, well first off, we'll give your parents all a call to come down here to pick you all up. In the meantime, I'm going to ask some questions."

Despite him already expecting this, his heart speeds up. Another cop goes into one of the cars, says something on the radio, and puts it down.

"It's just protocol, so there is no need to be worried. Let's start with you."

He gestures to the crying underclassmen, who sniffs and follows him as the officer turns his back and walks to get some privacy. The officer that was previously in the cop car comes out, wearing a bright smile.

"Please tell me your parent's numbers! Stay in that order so we don't miss anyone by accident!" 

Izuku checks his own phone, pressing it on. The bar above the home screen shows he has no signal. He slides it back into his pocket. He can see the other police officer and the underclassmen talking to each other in the distance, but he can't hear them. 

From the looks of it, it's just a grieving kid talking about his missing brother, and a sympathetic, professional police man hearing the story. He looks away, not wanting to be caught staring so hard. 

"Midoriya, did you find anything while you were in there?" 

Todoroki's voice is slightly hushed, and he looks back at him. He looks as stoic as usual, but there is a hint of worry in his eyes. Of course, he must be worried about the two missing people that Izuku knows for a fact are dead. 

"No, I-" 

"What? Think you forgot to clean something up half n half?" 

Kacchans tone is angry and annoyed, the typical way he sounds when talking to most people. He has no idea what he means, but when he looks at Todoroki again, his jaw is set, and his hand is balled into a fist. 


"I'm worried, unlike you. What were you doing wondering all alone by yourself that whole time. It's strange that when two people go missing, you're the only one that wasn't with the rest of us." 

"What the fuck are you saying?" 

"I think you know perfectly well what I mean." 

The two of them glare at each other, and Izuku's nerves are only getting worse the more they talk. The officer that is going around calling everyone's parents is only getting closer, and the people closest to them keep glancing over. 

"Can you two stop it?!" 

He harshly whispers, glaring at the two of them. Kacchans glare is still on his face as he grumbles and turns away. Todoroki's melts off his face, replaced by another worried expression. 

"I'm sorry Midoriya, I didn't mean to make you more anxious." 

For the next couple of minutes, numbers are taken, and parents are called. Kacchan uses Izuku's mom's number, much to some of the classes' confusion, but Izuku thinks they get through it without looking out of place. The other cop continues to talk to the students, the conversations lasting for only a couple of minutes at a time.  

- Continue in: Poultry Pressure -  

Now with a set agreement in place, Katsuki is free to eat whoever he wants as long as they are bad people. Confronting Todoroki, Katsuki learns more about the monster looming behind him. While he struggles trying to win Izuku's feelings after rediscovering his own. 

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