- Chapter 37 -

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He shivers, and slowly turns around, continuing to walk home. His mind is stuck back minutes before, the feeling of the woman's hands gripping his own and the look in her eyes. The monster over her shoulder sticks with him the most. She must be in the same situation he was in. 

He repeats the women's words over and over in his head. A warning about it taking his soul. Before he knows it, he is standing in front of the door to his room, his shoes still on. He sighs and opens the door, going onto his bed as he takes off his shoes. 

He looks up to the corner of his room and sees Kacchan. He appears right in the corner before he walks over to him and huffs, crashing onto his bed. He bounces slightly as he tosses his red shoes to the foot of his bed. 

"Fuck stupid mortal teachers! How the hell are they going to make me stay after school just for some stupid fucking tour?! And fuck, i already have a thousand fucking things to catch up on! Your friends are assholes too!"

"That Kirby looking bitch kept looking at me like I shit on her desk or some shit, like what the fuck is her problem?! And don't even get me started on that spikey haired idiot and his dumbass friends, the-" 

His words blur out and Izuku stares at the floor in front of him, seeing the woman's face in his mind. She looked like she was ready to break down any second. How could she tell Izuku was facing the same thing as her? 

That thing didn't look like Kacchan... Well, Izuku doesn't think it was just the way it looked that made it different. The feeling coming off of it wasn't good at all. It filled him with some sort of dread. 

He can't even imagine how that woman must feel with that thing following her around everywhere. 


If only Izuku had a way to find her, to ask her what she's been through. That warning and the look in her eyes, he needs to know more about it. If she just happened to be walking the same sidewalk as him, then there could be another chance that he could see her again. 


Then he could ask all the questions he wants to. Would she let him, or would she just shut down? Would that thing looming over her shoulder do anything? Was it like kacchan, able to think and talk? If that is the case then- 

"Oi! Deku, are you fucking listening?!" 

Kacchan nudges him roughly with his foot, and Izuku snaps out of his thoughts, glancing back at him. 

"W... What?" 

Kacchan sits up, his arms propped up behind him, his brows furrowed in clear annoyance. 

"What are you thinking about? Your usually all fucking annoying and saying shit before I can even get this far." 

Izuku shifts slightly, biting the inside of his cheek softly. Should he tell him about the women? No, no that would be a bad idea, right? What if Kacchan knows something he doesn't and has a way to go after her? 

He doesn't want to cause the woman any more trouble than she already looks like she's in. Besides, if she was warning him about that monster over her shoulder, then Kacchan could also b- 

"Nothing. Just some homework stuff." 

Kacchan doesn't look like he believes him for even a second, and Izuku quickly looks for something else to say, before he processes what the blonde is actually wearing. 

"Kacchan... Are you wearing my all might pajamas?"

Kacchan instantly turns away from him, grumbling. Izuku is extremely grateful for the blonde's quick attention switch. The set is black, with a bunch of little all might faces on the pants and the shirt, reading 'Plus Ultra!' in big yellow letters. 

"So fucking what?! Today was shitty and like hell am I going to be walking around in my fucking uniform all day!" 

Izuku can't help the small smile that reaches his face, and he laughs. 

"You wanna watch the show? I bought all the episodes!" 

Kacchan looks back at him, his arms folded, his annoyed expression softening. 

"Of course you did, you damn nerd. I'm not watching that shit." 

Izuku grins, already getting up and going over to the small T.V in his room, grabbing the remote and turning it on. 

"You so are! I'm making you now!" 

Kacchan groans, unfolding his arms and spreading them out on his bed, taking up as much room on it as possible. Izuku goes back to the bed and moves his arm, sitting down as he starts the first episode. He wants to ramble on about it, to tell kacchan all about the stuff he doesn't know yet. 

Like how the main character, all might, gets a successor at the end of the show that has its own spin off series, how they had to stop part of the production for a couple of years because Toshinori Yagi, the voice actor for all might, got sick, and a lot of the fans didn't want his voice to be changed. 

How the big battle of the final of season one took about five months to animate because it had so many little details in it, and how Izuku could pause on every frame when they get to that part to show Kacchan all the little easter eggs that are hidden in the rubble and the debris of the buildings, and- 

"Deku! Save that shit until after I get through the first fucking episode!" 

Izuku feels his cheeks warm up and he clicks the button to actually start the episode. 

"Sorry Kacchan, I'm just excited! This is my favorite show ever!" 

Kacchans red eyes stay on him for a couple of seconds before they flicker back onto the T.V as the title song begins to play, the screen filling with bright colors. Izuku's attention switches between the T.V and the blonde, watching his reactions eagerly. 

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