- Chapter 56 -

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From that point on, there is not a single moment that he doesn't spend with Izuku. He is over at the house in his human form when Inko Midoriya is around, and back in his normal form when she isn't or when he can't be seen. 

As time passes, he watches Deku's baby face get less roundish, watches him get slightly taller, and watches as he learns and goes to school. He mimics these changes, making his own form grow with him. In all of the months and days that pass, he has never been happier. 

He gets a new name that everyone else calls him. Katsuki Bakugou. He even goes to school sometimes when he is able to sneak into the classroom unnoticed. He gets an unlimited amount of flesh and souls to eat, mostly taking the kids that treat Izuku like shit. 

Even better is the way their souls are even more melded together. Their bond is stronger, he can feel every little thing Izuku does, and with him being a fucking ball of happiness and excitement, that fact is better than bad. At least he thought it wa- 

The chirping of insect's rings in his ears as they walk in the heat, hand in hand. School has just ended, full of page coloring, learning how to count, and bullshit like duck duck goose. He fucking hates the subjects since they are so beneath him, but Deku always looks so excited when he's doing them, so he follows along. 

Though, if he had to pick, his favorite activity is probably nap time. He gets to watch Deku as much as he wants with no one getting in his ass about it. The heat only makes their hands sweatier, and he fights the urge to wipe his hands on his pants. Izuku is walking next to him, a relaxed look on his face. 

"Deku, want to go to the park? That ice cream truck you like is usually over there right about now. Might as well go now before a crowd of fucking brats form a huge ass line." 

Ice cream always helps with the heat, and even though he can't even taste it, he likes the feeling of it cooling him down. Plus, the park is on their way back home. Izuku swings their hands back and forth gently, humming to himself. He looks over at him and tilts his head. 

"I don't have money for ice cream, I can't ask Mama again or she'll say we're eating too much junk food..." 

At the end of his sentence, he looks slightly dejected, clearly suffering from the heat ten times more than Katsuki is. His shoulders are slightly loose, done with dealing with the weight of his yellow backpack, his shoes slightly grazing the sidewalk more and more as he loses the willingness to lift up his feet properly. 

Katsuki grins at him and pulls out a wad of dollar bills from his pocket. Most of them are crumpled up and folded slightly, but that doesn't take away from Izuku's surprise. His green eyes go wide, and his mouth forms a small 'o' shape, and he stops walking. 

Katsuki stops too, holding the cash in his hand like a trophy. 

"W-Where did you get that?!" 

He could and would not ever tell him that he has been saving up, taking cash from the children he has been eating. Most of them only had a couple of dollar bills and coins on them, so it took a while to get this much. With this, they could buy as many fucking ice creams as Izuku wants! 

"I mowed some lawns and shit! Extras don't want to do it themselves in this scorching heat, so I made a shit ton of money!" 

Izuku's eyes shine in admiration and he feels pride spike his brain. 

"Woah!! I didn't even notice, that's so cool that you made all that money yourself Kacchan!" 

Izuku looks more energized now, but with the heat beating down on them, the burst of energy doesn't last long. 

"I fucking know it is! So, you want ice cream or what?" 

He holds up the cash so Izuku can take a good look at it, and he watches as his freckled cheeks turn a soft pink. 

"I do!... If you're okay with spending your money on the two of us..." 

Katsuki rolls his eyes and shoves his money back into his pocket. 

"That's why I got it, nerd. We can buy ice cream for two whole months, which means we won't be fucking dying for at least half of the walk back home!" 

Izuku smiles back at him, making his brain spike with another positive feeling. 

"I'm going to get the All Might one!!" 

They walk faster, trying to get to the ice cream truck as fast as possible. After a lot of shoving and Deku apologizing, they get their ice cream and walk back home. Deku opens his ice cream cone carefully from the wrapper. He watches silently, already biting into his orange popsicle. 

The green haired boy takes it out, a blinding smile on his face. The All Might Ice cream is just vanilla ice cream with All Mights face and two yellow pieces of hard candy for his hair. Just like he always does, Izuku marvels at it like it's the first time he has ever seen it before actually taking a bite. 

"Is it good?" 

Izuku nods enthusiastically, ice cream in his mouth. They walk up the path to the front door, Inko's car parked in the road. He opens the door, and they go inside, taking off their shoes. They are still eating their ice cream when Inko goes over to them, a big smile on her face. 

"Welcome back boys! How was school?" 

Katsuki looks at her and answers, 

"It was okay." 

Izuku is behind him still taking off his shoes, his ice cream finished. 

"And you Izuku? How," 

Deku makes a small gagging sound that takes Katsuki and Inko's attention, and that's the only warning before Izuku throws up. It leaves a black puddle on the floor, and Inko screams, Katsuki trying to grab him as Izuku sways and plummets towards the floor. 

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