- Chapter 45 -

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Mineta looks at Iida like he just grew fifty heads since he started talking, a disgusted sneer in his words. 

"You're crazy, I'm not going back without pictures of ghost girls' panties!" 

The other two look just as zealous, fists raised in the air. 


Sero turns away, sighing. 

"We can't just leave them; god knows they won't go home." 

Iida pushes up his glasses, looking just as pained. 

"I guess you three will have to tag along so we can make sure you aren't doing anything to ruin the good name of UA-" 


"If we don't get ghost panty pics, we can always-!" 

"Shut up!

Mineta grins, but no one misses the perverted sheen in his eyes. 

"We'll be on our best behavior." 

With that, Mineta and his two... friends? Join the group. They are forced to stay right at the front, so they aren't behind anyone. The stairs are chipped and worn down as they descend them. Everyone's voices are hushed, as if all on edge to see if anything else happens. 

But getting through the door is easy, because it just creaks open. They all walk into the building, goosebumps running down Izuku's neck. The first place is a reception area, with a huge desk in the middle of the room with chairs on the sides. 

The floor is clean with only a coating of dust over it. It looks like the people just disappeared. From there, the group naturally disperses. Izuku stays in front of the door for a moment, looking at the small table right next to it. 

There is a book right in the middle, a faded bookmark sticking out of it. For some reason, it sticks out to him. He moves his hand to touch it. 

"Midoriya. We should go that way." 

Izuku looks away from the book and puts his hand down, looking in the direction Todoroki is pointing his flashlight. Three dark hallways sprout from the reception room, one going forward, and two going left and right. 

Iida, Uraraka, Tsuyu, and Mina are all going forward, talking amongst themselves. 

"It's super creepy, huh?" 

"Yeah, I wonder why no one else has gotten inside before, it was super easy for us." 

"We should totally have a photoshoot here or something! Wouldn't that be totally awesome!?" 

To the left, Kirishima and Kaminari are talking to Kacchan, Sero also looking invested in the conversation. Izuku can't hear what they are saying since they are all being super quiet, but he thinks it might be something good, because Kirishima and the other two are showing some form of excitement. 

Mineta and the two underclassmen are split up, one going forward, one to the left, and Mineta to the right. The purple haired boy grins at Izuku and Todoroki as he comes over. 

"Looks like I'm with you two! Let's get as many ghost girl panty pics as we can! Who's with me?!" 

Izuku nervously laughs, and Todoroki doesn't look at all amused. 

"I'm all for getting pictures of ghosts, just not...That kind." 

Mineta's grin deflates, and he mutters to himself, walking past them into the hallway. 

"No one understands my genius mind..." 

Todoroki silently starts to walk into the hallway too, his flashlight illuminating the space slightly so that Mineta isn't completely in the dark. He glances back at him before holding out his other hand, not saying anything. 

Izuku smiles and goes to grab it, before he is yanked back by a familiar hand. Kacchan glares, and Izuku sees Kirishima give him a thumbs up before dragging a screaming Kaminari into the hallway next to Sero. 

"Deku's coming with me, half and half. Have fun with the shitty pervert." 

Kacchan drags him away, and he quickly apologizes to Todoroki, who isn't looking at him at all. 

"I'm sorry Todoroki!"  

Instead, Todoroki just stares at Kacchan blankly. Izuku is dragged outside again, and only then does Kacchan let go of the collar of his shirt. He sighs and rubs his hand on it, working on smoothing out the bunched-up fabric. 

"You really have to stop doing that Kacchan." 

The blond glares at him, before turning away, looking back at the gate. 

"I wouldn't have to do that shit if you just stayed away from... Fuck, never mind. I found something." 

Izuku's previous thoughts are forgotten, a big grin on his face. It has to be something really cool if he dragged him out here. 

"What is it?!" 

Kacchan looks at him, not saying anything for a second before starting to walk down the steps. 

"It's over here. I couldn't tell you in front of all those dumbasses, but I think it's a different entrance." 

Izuku follows him quickly, walking next to him as he leads him along the building. 

"Really? You think it's supposed to be a secret or something?" 

Kacchan nods, 

"Yeah. The presence here is really fucked up, it wouldn't be a surprise if there was a shitty spirit stronger then that mutt from the forest." 

In the middle of his sentence, Kacchan grabs his hand. Izuku feels his cheeks warm up but doesn't pull away. He squeezes back. 

"Are you sure you'll be okay this time, Kacchan?" 

Their eyes meet. 

"What, you worried about me nerd?" 

Izuku turns away, his face feeling even warmer. 

"Yeah, I don't want you to get exhausted like that. We can always just go inside, I'm sure there are tons of cool stuff in there that don't involve you using all of your energy..." 

Kacchan rolls his eyes, but Izuku doesn't miss the way his grin widens. 

"I got all of my energy back nerd, so don't worry about that shit. I'll kill anything that tries to fuck with us!" 

Izuku grins back at him, excitement spiking through his blood and flowing through his veins. 

"I'll try my best to help too!" 

The two of them continue walking, Izuku not even asking how Katsuki was able to get his energy back if he hasn't even eaten anyone. 

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