- 17: Have We Met Before? -

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Izuku finally relaxes, slowing to a stop a couple of feet away from the stairs. It's then that he notices that no one else is here, it's just him and the shadow creature. 

"Took you long enough." 

Izuku sighs, the shadowy creatures thousands of voices all sounding annoyed. 

"Maybe if you stopped walking and let me catch up then it wouldn't have taken forever." 

The shadow creature scoffs.

 "You're the one who was constantly thinking about if someone heard your crazy ass talking to yourself, they would freak the fuck out. Not my fault this was the only spot that didn't have any extras around." 

Izuku guesses he's right about that, even if it was a little annoying having to constantly chase after it. He sits down on the stairs, and he finally asks the question that's been going through his head this whole time. 

"So why did you just decide to let me actually see you?" 

The creature's face has that same grin from before when he looks back at it. Izuku gets a chill down his spine. 

"It's about what you fucking owe me, nerd." 

The way it says it makes Izuku tense up slightly, and his heart beats faster. His mind races with what it could possibly be. Does he want his eyes? To tear his head off and send it to his mom?! Kill him and spread his body parts all throughout the school so no one will ever be able to find him?! Eat him alive slowly so he feels every single part of it?! 

"Jesus fucking Christ, chill the fuck out nerd. Just fucking listen!"

The shadow creature flicks in and out for a couple of seconds, appearing at the end of the hallway, then at the top of the stairs then back to its original spot at the bottom of them. 

"First, i want to know about this stupid dance that your nerdy ass friends were talking about." 

The thousands of voices ring in his mind, some louder than others. Izuku furrows his brows, irritated by the dig at his friends. 

"My friends aren't nerds-" 

He gets a, 

"Sureeee. Keep fucking thinking that." 

Fired into his brain, but he continues, ignoring the statement. 

"And why do you want to know about the dance?" 

The creature groans and glitches again, appearing deeper into the hallway, half of its body hidden behind the corner. Its annoyance is clear in its voice, and Izuku's eyes follow it as it glitches. 

"Just fucking answer me." 

"It's a dance that happens every year that the school holds. It's got lights and dances, and I think they got a DJ for this year. I think it's because this girl's dad is paying for most of it, since it's her last year. I don't really know her though, but Uraraka says she's really nice-"

"Yeah yeah skip that bullshit, what you're really getting at is that a shit ton of people are gonna be there?" 

Izuku bites back his irritation at another interruption. 

"Yes, that's what i was getting to." 

Fresh Flesh (Bkdk, Dkbk)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें