- Chapter 47 -

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He doesn't need to look at him at all. He can already tell he's annoyed and frustrated, not just by his silence but by the way his thoughts feel. They spike, their presence lingering long after he stops having that specific thought. 

That deep feeling in Katsuki's chest slowly grows. He doesn't know what it is or what it means. All he does know is that it was there the second that he saw Deku wandering around. Of course, he was about to get a free meal by eating the nerd's soul, but something stopped him. 

It's been pissing him off, because he doesn't fucking get it. It's like something deep inside of him is telling him to do things, making him feel shit that he has not felt since... he can't even remember. Katsuki lets go of his hand and continues to walk. 

He refuses to acknowledge that he feels... bad? For what? For what he said? Deku isn't following behind him, but he doesn't care right now. The annoying pit in his stomach needs to be filled, and he doesn't have time to deal with Deku saying shit about it. 

He stomps off, and only hears Deku call after him after he is already appearing somewhere else. He shoves his hands in his pockets and walks in the direction of the soul he is smelling. It's not one of the shitty nerds' classmates, so it's free game. 

He turns a corner and bumps into it. He shoves it, and it falls onto the ground. 


It glares up at him, but there is nervousness in its eyes. The camera that was previously in its hand is on the floor, and it quickly picks it up. It puts the strap of the camera around its neck and looks back at him. 

"Y-You should apologize for shoving me- Wait, first apologize for bumping into me, then shoving me!" 

Katsuki feels his hunger as well as his anger spike. He glances at the door on the right of the annoying extra. 

"What the fuck are you going to do if I don't?" 

It opens its mouth to answer, but Katsuki really doesn't feel like playing along right now. With a quick motion, he shoves his shoulder with one hand and opens the door of the room with the other, pushing his meal into the room. 

It falls again, but this time, Katsuki won't let it get back up. Its head slams against one of the metal shelves, and it winces. 

"W-What are you-!?" 

The room is some sort of main supply closet. It has shelves on the walls filled with old cleaning supplies and items. There is still enough room for it to go around him and try to run away, but he doubts it will get a chance. Katsuki stares down at the cowering creature. 

Finally, he gets to eat. He can feel his own form change, the stretch of skin and the twisting of bones. His head almost hits the ceiling, so he leans forward, right in the thing's face. It's staring up at him, its eyes bulging out of its head, shaking like a leaf. Its chest is rising and falling quickly, which is slightly amusing. 

Katsuki opens his mouth, and his jaw clicks, before it swings slightly, unhinged. There are small stammers and whimpers coming from the food as it starts to cry, clearly not understanding what is happening. He watches as its body starts to pale and crack. 

He feels its soul enter his stomach as he swallows. It bursts like fireworks, the fear and confusion giving it a tangy taste. He already feels his energy getting back to normal, but it's still not enough. It has stopped gasping, its body limp and cold. 

Katsuki grips its arm, feeling the flesh under his fingers. He snaps it in half, a crack echoing in the room. The skin is rough, so he just starts to tear it off with his mouth, his jaw locking back into place. The warm blood gushes all over the floor, not a single drop landing on him. 

In his normal form, he doesn't have to worry about annoying shit like stains. He moves on from its arm until there isn't anything left, his energy returning to him. 

- Izuku - 

He shouldn't have let Kacchan walk off like that. Maybe he is being too much, making him do something he clearly doesn't want to. He walks down the halls of the asylum, his footsteps echoing. 

He uses his phone flashlight, pointing it forward. He should apologize, and next time, he won't push it so much. Still, he can't help but worry. His friends already don't like him, and he's seen tons of people glare at Kacchan in the halls. 

If something were to happen, would they suspect him? He's just being paranoid, there is no way something like that would ever happen! He takes a deep breath, continuing to walk. He should look somewhere else. He probably went outside and is walking around. 

Izuku turns another corner and walks past a door. He hears something that makes him stop. Slurping, cracking, and thuds are coming from behind the door. He slowly turns around and stares at it, his heart and his thoughts going so fast he gets slightly lightheaded. 

The sounds don't stop, and that's when he realizes that the door is slightly open. Slowly, he pushes it, and looks inside. The light from his flashlight is focused on one part, but he still sees the rest of the scene with the dim lighting. 

Kacchan is in his normal shape, looming over half of a body. He knows it's a body. The strong smell of blood and the twisted way it's on the floor is a clear giveaway. He stares at it, and he feels something rise in his throat. Kacchans head moves to face him, a leg gripped in his hands, his long body hunched over it. 

He stares at the leg, seeing the place where it was torn off from the rest of its body, before the liquid in his throat rises. He drops the book and throws up, his eyes watering as he levels himself against the wall with one hand and holds his phone with the other, its light pointed to the floor. 

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