Chapter 2

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"For Lord's sake, Bryan

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"For Lord's sake, Bryan. No. We've talked about this. You are not allowed to follow me around on campus. Are you crazy?"

He stared down at me.

"I'm supposed to be monitoring you, Your Highness."

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "I know that. But that defeats the purpose of being low-key, don't you think? Didn't your advisors tell you this? Cause I don't believe for one second they allowed you to trail my ass like a dog."

It felt good to be able to say that. Back home, I wouldn't even be able the say the word ass without at least, one of the palace advisors frowning at me, but here, in the beautiful city of LA, I could use language as colourful as the rainbow and no one would bat an eye. It was refreshing to be able to speak without a filter.

Bryan didn't seem to agree. My personal guard glared at me.

I flicked his chest in response.

Bryan wasn't what I'd expected when I first heard about him during my security briefing three weeks ago. I'd pictured a burly man in his mid-to-late thirties, with scars littering his skin and a glower so dark, flowers would wilt at his glare.

This man standing before me was in his late twenties, with caramel eyes and dark hair. The only scars painting his skin was the small, jagged one across his eyebrow.

He grunted. "Then how else am I supposed to keep an eye on you? This school is huge- much bigger than the royal institution you went to back in Asrea. Anything could happen."

I crossed my arms over my chest and tapped my foot on the floor. I was already late to the briefing for new students, and I didn't have time to be entertaining an overbearing guard in the middle of the school hallway.

Aaron had warned us multiple times to remain under the radar. Walking around with a 6"1 man dressed in black combat gear was not going to keep me under the radar. It would launch me so high up, I would be able to part the heavens with my hands.

"We're in a school, Bryan. You don't have to keep an eye on me all the damn time. How am I supposed to 'keep things low-key' if I have you following me around like Bigfoot? Cause seriously, if you frown any harder, I think hell would make a run for their money and offer you a job."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny, Your Highness," he deadpanned.

"Stop it with that Your Highness stuff. Just call me Aleia. Someone can hear you."

He rolled his eyes. "Fine, Aleia. But I'm serious when I say I'm not letting you out of my sight."

It was my turn to roll my eyes, but when he remained silent, only staring at me, a groan found its way out of my throat.

"We're supposed to keep things quiet," I whisper- yelled.

"Yes, Aaron told me to keep things quiet, but -" he narrowed his eyes when I opened my mouth to speak. "- that was before he told me this school was going to be the size of a fucking country. Don't fight me on this. We're going to have to find a solution to this because I'm not going to get a bullet put through my head for something happening to you. You might not be in Asrea, but you are still their princess."

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