Chapter 11

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"You'll make sure I say yes to what, Cara?" Edrian repeated with narrowed eyes

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"You'll make sure I say yes to what, Cara?" Edrian repeated with narrowed eyes.

"Lord help me," Cara murmured underneath her breath, diverting her gaze to anywhere but at the man with ice in his eyes.

A choked laugh escaped past my tightly pressed lips at Cara's barely concealed horror, her eyes wide and expression frantic.

"What are you doing here?" she asked in a poor attempt to change the subject. Cara snapped her head back in his direction, a newly rectified defiance in her posture.

"Isn't it obvious? Same thing as you," he quipped.

He strode over to our table without hesitation and seeing as the chair beside Cara's was fully occupied by bags and a few other books, he came over to the empty seat beside mine. I watched his lean frame slide onto the chair and something inside me twisted with unease.

A cup of steaming liquid was then perched before me and when I glanced back up at him with furrowed brows, he only gestured towards it with his hand. At my endless silence, he sighed. He seemed to be doing that a lot around us.

"As a peace offering."

My furrowed brows lurched up, a smile tugging on the corners of my lips despite myself. "Peace offering for what?"

"Do I really need to say it out for you?"

He glared with disdain. I gingerly wrapped my fingers around the warm paper cup and brought it to my lips in a slow show of suspicious glances and tentative whiffs.

"It's not poisoned, is it?"

"Why don't you take a sip and find out?"

I chuckled and mumbled a small thank you as my lips finally met with the chocolatey, heaven sent, goodness.

An appreciative sigh rose sounded as the sweet tartness exploded over my satisfied taste buds. The chocolatey treat was almost enough for me forget the slimy few minutes with a horny frat-boy.

Edrian's lips twitched at my reaction.

"How come you don't bring me peace offerings?" Cara exclaimed.

"Because there is no such thing as peace with you."

An offended scoffed. "I can be peaceful."

"Sure, Ms I'll make sure he says yes."

Cara rolled her eyes, but I interjected before she could say anything else.

"How did you know I was here? I didn't see you come in."

"I saw you twenty minutes ago when I was looking for a book I need for a report. Figured I'd grab you a cup of hot chocolate since I was already planning to get myself coffee. And-" He pressed on with emphasis as Cara's mouth opened. "I would've gotten you something, too, had I known you'd be here with her."

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