Author's Note

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Hey loves!

Where do I even begin? I can't even put into words just how emotional I am right now. This journey has been one of the most incredible and rewarding things I've ever done in my life. I've been wanting to write this story into existence for four years and I can't begin to express just how grateful I am that you have been a part of this incredible experience.

Thank you to everyone who supported, commented, voted and shared. Thank you to all your sweet and kind words. Your comments have made me laugh and your sweet messages have made me smile. I'll never forget it. I appreciate you guys so much.

Aleia and Edrian are my babies and this story is the best thing I've ever created in my life. His Daylily will forever be a part of my heart. Thank you for making it a part of yours ♡

So, as always...

Happy reading!


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