Chapter 60

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Song Dedication: losing you by Hanniou

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Song Dedication: losing you by Hanniou

"The words that you told me. They're stuck in my memory. Repeating them over and over is heavy."

The media had blasted my press conference all over every social platform as promised. The video circled like wildfire through the internet, and it followed me in the form of whispers and discreet glances with every corner I turned.

I wouldn't be able to escape it even if I ordered every network server to take it down. It was the number one trending video on Instagram and Tiktok and had the greatest number of retweets on Twitter's feed in the span of a week.

It was enough to drive a girl crazy.

My footsteps hastened when their eyes trailing me felt like ants crawling up my spine. I couldn't escape it no matter where I turned. There would always be someone in hallway or the parking lot or even the bathroom, who noticed me and instantly went stock still. They wouldn't stop gaping until I disappeared.

Ever since Nate and I's identities were revealed, there was no stopping the random person from striking up a conversation or a phone from taking a not-so-subtle photo.

Thank the heavens the lecturers couldn't be bothered by the news, or at the very least, didn't show it. They didn't give me any kind of special treatment and I was grateful for it. I didn't need more people hating on me because of my title.

Maybe the universe pitied me today, or maybe they liked me a little better now that I've cried a koi pond, but as I wandered the hallways of the main building to the parking lot, it was empty. No phones, no whispers, no glances. I felt like I could finally breathe.

I should've learned by now though, never to jinx it, because the second I thought it and decided to let my guard down, the universe laughed and threw a boulder at my head.

I rounded the corner.

And came face-to-face with the one person I'd dreaded seeing the entire flight back and then had spent all the times after that avoiding.

I faltered. My heart stopped working. So did my lungs, my intestines, my eyes and my stomach. Everything collapsed into multiple organ failure.

Edrian's piercing green eyes sliced through the distance and cut through skin and bones to puncture my heart. The gaping wound that had just begun to heal over the past three weeks gushed open again and blood poured out. It took everything in me not to cry right then and there.

His eyes were dull and sunken, the bags underneath blue and bruised and if I didn't know him - really know him-, hadn't felt his lips pressed against mine and seen him so up-close, I'd practically memorised him to heart, I wouldn't have noticed the new frown lines carved around his mouth, the dead weight on his shoulders and the drag he walked with his every step.

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