Chapter 10

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Roses are red, Violets are blue,

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Roses are red, Violets are blue,

When I count to one, I actually mean two...

Roses are red, Violets are blue,

When I count to one, I actu-

I groaned in frustration and threw the pen clutched between my fingers onto the textbook opened in front of me.

I'd come to the library in hopes that the change of scenery would boost my spirits in the wake of the eerie letter and provide me the much-needed motivation to complete the endless number of assignments I was falling behind on.

After the events of the pep rally, and then the strange letter in the mail, I hadn't been able to focus on anything other than all the possible inconspicuous meanings hidden beneath the otherwise, harmless note.

Bryan had read the letter over a bajillion times, as if reading it once again would magically unveil words written in invisible ink and based on how visibly agitated he'd gotten and the constant tension lining his neck and shoulders, I knew the letter had offered him no hints as to where it came from or who'd sent it.

But seeing as even now, with my spread of notes, reference books and laptop scattered around me at the four-seater table, and my biostatics assignment still only halfway done, the library proved to be a futile attempt.

After two hours, I'd barely gotten any more work done than when I'd first sat down.

Blinking away the haze clouding my brain, I refocused on my surroundings and grimaced. I'd spaced out for so long that when I came to, I realised I'd been staring at a frat boy seated at one of the communal tables for a good twenty minutes.

The cocky smirk curving his lips sent a powerful cringe down my spine. I hated when that happened. In hopes that he'd take the hint, I pointedly shifted my gaze back to the page opened on Contingency Tables and sent my fingers into a furious rhythm of typing.

Unfortunately, he only took it as a sign of my embarrassment from supposedly outright, ogling him and strode over with an overexaggerated swagger in his step. I held my breath as he took a seat in the empty chair beside mine and faced me with a lewd twinkle in his eyes.

"Hi there. What's a pretty girl like you doing here all alone? I couldn't help notice you checking me out for the past twenty minutes," he said without even attempting to hide the excitement in his voice.

His overpowering cologne wafted up my nostrils and I immediately felt the urge to gag. It smelled like he'd sprayed half the bottle over himself. I instinctively began chewing on the inside of my cheek in an attempt to keep my mouth shut.

Maybe he'd take my silence as a que to leave.

He didn't. The prick.

"There's no need to be shy, you know," he murmured, and my gut twisted with repulsion. "I think you're hot, too. I've seen you around campus before but haven't had the chance to come over and ask you out."

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