Chapter 17

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Serphina Slayer's Copycat Killer Strikes Again

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Serphina Slayer's Copycat Killer Strikes Again

A gruesome tragedy on the steps of Drew Palinsky's home catches the attention of thousands in the horror of Seraphina Slayer Copycat's next victim. Drew Palinsky was found dead last night on the steps of his front porch. His extremities were extricated, and his disjointed limbs were found charred beside his body; all the trademarks of Seraphina Slayer's killings.

Official reports indicate the man's time of death to have fallen around 17:00 as of yesterday, an hour before Drew's wife stumbled upon his body after returning home from work. The victim appears to match the standard profile for the original Seraphina Slayer: male of medium build and height within an age range landing between 20-27 years old.

If you are someone or know of someone - family member or friend - that fits the description above, please warn them of the potential dangers of the copycat killer on the loose.

Stay cautious of your surroundings and remain indoors as much as possible. The Seraphina Slayer was known to strike during the late hours of the day, between dawn and dark so it is within all your best interests to avoid dim areas and barren neighbourhoods at said periods of the day. It is-

I stopped reading and shut off my phone. If I continued to read any longer, I would surely combust into flames and have the kind of meltdown that even ice cream couldn't cure. Frustration tore at the nerves beneath my skin and I forced myself to count to three.



My palms pressed flat into the cold wooden picnic table beneath me and I wasn't entirely sure what I was looking at, all I knew was, I was looking at buildings. Lots and lots of buildings. And the gruesome image of a mutilated male body.

An exasperated groan edged up the columns of my throat before it sat innocently on the tips of my tongue: a contented cat licking her fur, waiting to lash out.

I squeezed my eyes shut and counted to three again.

In...1. 2. 3.

Out...1. 2. 3.

In...1. 2. 3-

"Is everything okay?"

I snapped my eyes open and squinted in the suddenly glaring sunlight peeking through the clouds. Edrian stood on the other side of the table with a tall paper cup in hand, eyes lasered on me.

My hand swatted the air. "I'm fine. Just peachy."

"You definitely look just peachy," he drawled.

My shoulders tensed. "What do you want, Edrian? I'm trying really hard not to flip out here but you're making my patience about this freaking thin."

I pinched my fingers together for emphasis.

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