Chapter 3. A Bit Of Sport.

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An Artistic Impression of Graham Peats.

Xander's POV.

The loud ring from my alarm woke me at 5:45am and I shut it off quickly. Picking up my wash bag and towel, I tiptoed silently towards the door.

I looked back at my roommate, who I could just pick out in the early morning light, and saw he still appeared to be sleeping. As I closed the door behind me I heaved a sigh of relief that my alarm hadn't disturbed him and headed off towards the bathroom.

When I returned he was up and about and getting his wash things together.

"Morning Xander!" He cheerfully greeted me. "You're an early bird, aren't you? Is there a shortage of hot water or something?"

No!" I answered rather grumpily as I went straight to my side of the room. "It's just that I prefer to go before anyone else wakes up. You better get a wriggle on if you don't want to queue for the bog, though. Can get a bit pongy after a while."

"Thanks!" He replied, as he peered around the end of the wall, giving me a big smile. "Will you wait and show me the ropes at brekkie?"

"As long as you're not too long," I muttered in answer, hoping that he actually would take a long time and spare me the task of escorting him.

I quickly dressed and gathered together all the books I needed for the day's lessons. I was taking down the rest of the torn poster when he suddenly returned.

"Jeez! That was quick!" I exclaimed as he stood in the space between the doorway and my wall in just a pair of shorts, towel drying his hair. I could tell he was wearing nothing underneath as his member was flopping around, somewhat alarmingly.

His body disturbed me too. I couldn't help but drool. His torso was muscular, very defined and he sported one heck of a six pack. His chest was hairless. It looked so smooth that I wondered if he waxed. His legs were muscular too, and the fine dark hairs that were just visible made him look really manly, as well as positively sexy.

He coughed and I quickly looked away as I noticed him staring back at me.

"I wasn't sure that you would wait," he said, as I busied myself doing something to hide my embarrassment, "so I didn't hang around."

He didn't take long to get dressed and soon we were off in the direction of the refectory.

I was greeted by other boys as they passed us with the usual greeting they always gave me..... an elongated version of the word weak!

It was a weird sounding noise that was a cross between a ghostly moan and a creaking door. It was the way other students signified that they thought someone was not manly, different, or just plain odd.

Being seen as that in this establishment was not a cool thing at all.

"What the what?" Cliff queried, with a look of disbelief on his face that I found quite cute and charming.

"Pay no attention to them." I hurriedly answered. "You'll get used to hearing it."

"It doesn't sound like these guys are being very nice to you."

I gave an awkward laugh. "Well Clifton Stuart! You might as well face facts and accept that your roommate here is not a very popular guy."

As we entered the refectory I saw my nemesis, Toad, over in the centre of the room. He was, as usual, holding court, demanding to be the centre of attention, with the rest of the rugby team hanging onto his every word.

I handed Cliff a tray. "Do yourself a favour and grab yourself some brekkie, and then go over and sit with your new teammates. It's best that you don't even hang around anywhere near me.... that's if you know what's good for you, that is."

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