Chapter 22. Logan.

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Logan Holland.

Clifton's POV.

A chill ran down my back.

"Are you okay?" Xander asked me as he shut the door. "You've gone pale."

I managed to nod as I walked back over to my bed. "I feel bad for Logan..., you know..., getting caught with Niko in the bathroom," I said quietly as Xander came and sat next to me. "I wouldn't have put those two together."

"I saw Niko whisper something to him yesterday after our music lesson. Logan went all red but nodded his head as if in agreement. I wonder if that's when Niko made Logan an offer he couldn't refuse?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, scarcely believing that Xander would know anything of what Niko had been doing.

"Late night meets in the toilets is certainly not unusual. When you hear someone getting it off you're just meant to ignore it. It's really bad form to blow the whistle on them. I'm pretty sure that's what I witnessed..... Niko asking Logan to meet him there in the early hours of the morning." Xander then nudged me with his elbow so I would look at him and calmly asked.. "If Niko had asked you to meet him...., would you have gone? He's quite a looker."

I knew that I had reddened so I looked away. "I'd be tempted, believe me, but I've already told you that I had promised myself that I wouldn't get involved in a meaningless relationship with another boy at school again."

Xander placed his hand on mine. "So our relationship is not meaningless then?"

"You know it's not. For me it's more than just liking you. I respect you as a person and not just someone to have fun with.... That's important to me. Being friends, as well as liking you, means that it's easier for me to control any temptations."

Xander snuggled up against me. "So just how much do you like me then?"

I looked down at him, his cute brown eyes looked coyly up at me and his lips that were inviting me to kiss him. I gently pushed him away. "I think there's been enough excitement here tonight without us adding to it. I like you enough to not want to spoil any chance of us being together for real. Let's solve one issue before we land ourselves with another."

"Good!" Xander kissed me on the cheek and stood up. "If I find out that you've so much as kissed another boy I will cut your balls off when you are asleep. Talking of which..., we better get some as we have important issue solving to sort out...., starting tomorrow."

It was okay Xander saying get some sleep but I couldn't. Too many thoughts were flooding my mind and I couldn't help but think, although I had no clue as to what had exactly gone on, that something was not quite right. It was that niggling feeling that kept me awake.


The next morning all the talk in the corridors and bathrooms was about Logan and Niko and by the time we went to breakfast we practically knew all the gossip about last night's events. The feeling that I had, that there was more to it than appeared, still hadn't gone away.

Neither Logan nor Niko were in the refectory but Logan's roommate, Rupert Cuthbertson, was sitting alone in his usual place not far from us.

Just as we finished eating Roland and Jacob came over and started talking to Xander. I took the opportunity to go over to Rupert.

"Is Logan okay?" I asked.

"Shouldn't you be asking if Niko is okay after that queer bastard raped him?" Rupert sneered without even looking up.

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