Chapter 34. Second Thoughts.

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Inside Out - Peter Griffin (1981) (maxi single)

Xander's POV

Despite being in a strange bed I slept well. It was probably the fact that it was Cliff's real bed and room that made it so comfortable and I had imagined him being in it with me.

Imagine was all I could do as I had agreed not to use the Jack and Jill bathroom during night as a route for any nocturnal assignations. Cliff had been a little spooked by his mother's remark and any possible ardour had been well and truly dampened.

While Cliff had been helping his mother to clear away last night, his father's continued friendliness towards me had surprised me. After what Cliff had told me I had expected some sort of quizzing and sly probing into why his son was now 'best mates' with someone like me, but it never materialised. He was more interested in my father's business dealings in the Far East, and in sounding out the possibilities of any openings for him, as he was looking for opportunities to expand his own sporting business.

I heard Cliff using the bathroom. I heard him trump loudly. I needed to use it too and the thought of one of his smelly farts, that had an uncanny habit of lingering, even made my morning glory fade.

The bathroom door opened. "Good! You're awake!" Cliff called out all jolly and bright, "but I'd give it a minute or two before going in there as those Brussels sprouts from last night have had one hell of an effect on me."

"So I heard!"

"Oops!" He covered his mouth, faking horror, and then giggled. "I have sprayed so it should clear soon."

He sat on my bed and we kissed and hugged. "We don't ever have a family breakfast here.... It's always been 'help yourself' whenever we get up. Dad will probably be in his study and Mum... Well! She's never been a morning person, even when we were kids, but now she's on the wagon I can't call it as things might have changed."

"I'm okay with that.... Just coffee and toast will do me fine." I replied, kissing him on the cheek.

"What do you fancy doing today? I usually hit the sports room and then have a swim in the mornings...."

I pulled a face. I knew they had a fitness centre and indoor pool from the obligatory house tour last night but sports was really not my thing.

"..... but if you don't fancy that we can always use the music room or take a trip into town. There's not much to see there but just so you can say you've seen it."

A bright smile lit up his face. It was just as if he had thought of something. "You can ride a bike, can't you? I didn't think to ask before now."

"As long as you have a spare helmet for me and don't want to race then a bike trip out sounds good." I answered, wondering what he had in mind.

"Great! As it is a nice sunny day..... There's a really nice country park not too far away, called Bellfields, with all sorts of things to do. There's a boating lake and great cafe to have lunch in.... that's if you fancy doing that?"

I hadn't been on a bike in years but it's not something you forget how to do, is it? So I simply nodded.

"Okay.... I'll leave a note for Mum saying that we will be out for lunch, that way I can avoid giving her any more reasons to question who I really am again."

We both showered and dressed and after a quick breakfast we were off cycling towards the country park. It was fun being on a bike again but I couldn't help but focus on Cliff's shapely, pert backside as I rode behind him. The resulting penile tumescence was painful and caused me some discomfort that was not easy to adjust when cycling.

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