Chapter 19. An Apology.

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Sometimes When We Touch (7th Heaven Remix)
by Newton (2019)


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Xander's POV.

"I was waiting for the searchlights and the dogs to be let loose!" Cliff joked as I switched on the light to our hidey hole. "They don't check the rooms do they?" He asked as we sat down on the floor with our backs against a unit.

"No!" I answered him. "The corridors are monitored with CCTV cameras at night... and the Housemaster does sometimes patrol, seeing if there is any noise coming from a room, but I've never known him to enter a quiet room before."

Cliff waggled his eyebrows up and down. "So no interfering with boys goes on here then?"

"I'm not sure it ever did.... There's been no hint of a scandal with any member of the faculty in the past and certainly not since the CCTV cameras were installed three years ago. My Dad was glad to see CCTV monitored corridors featured highly amongst the safety facilities."

"What about other boys coming into the rooms at night?" Cliff asked. I guessed he must have thought back to the many propositions he had been given as they were mostly for him to meet them after lights out.

"You were told that we are not allowed to enter another bedroom after lights out whether we are invited to or not. We are only allowed to leave the room to go to the bathroom....., and even then, you're not supposed to hide your face from the cameras but boys do. The trick is to pretend you are sleepy and rub your eyes. We know that the CCTV cameras work as some boys get called out for demerits by the Housemaster for being out of their room for too long, but we're not sure how well he checks the monitors or when."

"Better escaping through the window then for some hanky panky then eh?" Cliff said, giving me a little nudge.

"I would rather you didn't use my escape route for your nocturnal assignations." I swiftly answered, thinking again about the many slips of paper that he had been given requesting an after lights out meeting.. "If you get caught then you would spoil things for me."

"I don't know where you get the idea that I'm interested in having any nocturnal assignations with any boy," he replied, rather haughtily, "besides it's technically not your escape route, is it, as you actually didn't do it..... Anyway! How did you find out about the bars?"

"Bobby, my only roommate told me," I lied. I certainly wasn't going to tell him that I had done it. No way. He would think I couldn't be trusted and had loosened the bars for nefarious practices, like smuggling local boys in for some rough sex. I won't say that hadn't crossed my mind but that wasn't the reason. "His cousin had been at the school a few years earlier and showed him one visiting day. I don't know anymore than that."

Cliff nodded his head in acceptance and I hoped that he wouldn't ask anything more and that would be the last I would hear of it.

"You do know Xander, that I am not interested in any other boy here, don't you?"

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