Chapter 32. Finding Clayton.

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Beautifully Broken by Boy Sompob (official music video 2021)


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Clifton's POV.

It was after dinner and we lay on the sofa in the lounge, entwined in each other's arms. We were watching a Thai film that Xander had previously downloaded called My Bromance - The Movie. Despite there being subtitles, one thing I usually hated, I was enjoying it. In fact our last full day had been quite enjoyable all round.

We had spent most of the day recording in the studio. Marcus was actually as good as Xander had said he would be regarding the technical workings of the equipment and we achieved everything we wanted without too much trouble. We recorded our original compilation with me on piano and Xander on guitar then recorded various backing tracks separately, giving us some really cool options.

I was pleased and I know Xander was too, even though he had seemed rather subdued and uptight most of the time. He had warned me before that he and Marcus didn't get on and I had sensed some animosity between them in the way that they conversed and acted with each other. It was polite and friendly enough but there was no warmth in either of their expressions and a distinct frostiness in their demeanour.

I had found Marcus pleasant enough. He had been polite and friendly towards me although I could feel some reservation in his manner whenever we had spoken. That had eased as the day had gone on.

Amelia, however, had been a downright nuisance right from the word go. She flirted with me something chronic and only desisted once Marcus had upset her saying that she was being a right pain and was in the way. She had headed back over to the farmhouse almost tripping over her bottom lip as she sulked.

Once she had gone and Marcus and I were alone in the control room, he had been much more relaxed and had asked me many more questions. None too personal, just general questions that one asked when meeting someone for the first time.

I answered politely, but fairly reservedly, and had taken it as a compliment when he said I was way too normal to be a friend of Xander's. I had waited for him to expand on that but he didn't and as I wasn't keen to push it I just let it go.

It was only after Marcus had gone back to the farmhouse, leaving us to do the final editing and mixing, that Xander had completely chilaxed.

"Do you want anything?" Xander asked, as he untangled himself from me and stood up once as the film finished. "Drink or some snacks?"

"You haven't got a secret stash of beer hidden somewhere, have you?" I asked, knowing full well I had previously seen some bottles in the fridge downstairs."

He smiled. "It's not a secret stash but there's some we keep ready for any guests."

"Well that's okay then, isn't it? I'm a guest....., technically at least."

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