Chapter 24. Morgan's Farm.

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Clifton's POV.

It was just before 11am when the chauffeured limousine arrived to take us to Xander's grandparents farm in Pembroke in West Wales.

It was an area of Britain that I had never visited before so as it was just under a four hour journey away I was glad that we should arrive while it was still daylight and I could at least see what the area was like.

I wasn't sure what a Welsh Farmhouse looked like and had wondered how basic it would be as Xander had said it was fairly isolated. He told me the nearest towns, Fishguard and Haverfordwest, were about 10 miles away in opposite directions but he loved the area for its tranquillity. He said because it was so peaceful he was able to think more and be more creative when composing.

I had already convinced myself it would be a small unimpressive single storey stone building and so I was impressed when we drove through the open gates of Morgan's Farm and parked outside a large imposing two storey white building.

Two Welsh border collies ran around the car barking loudly, obviously excited to have visitors. Their excitement increased on seeing Xander and he fussed them both equally.

"This is Jess and Maisie," he proudly announced, petting each dog's head as he said the name. "They are both twelve now and retired. They are the last of our sheepdogs as a local shepherd now rents the fields and has his own. I was here when they were born. Their mother, Bella, was my favourite dog when I was little."

Xander introduced me to his grandparents, Gethin and Megan, as his roommate and friend and they shook my hand warmly.

"It's so good to see that Xander has made a friend at school at last." Megan said in a beautiful singing accent, as she took me by the arm and led me into a big kitchen. "Cup of tea? Or would you prefer a cold drink? Milk? Juice?"

"Tea would be great. Thank you." I answered as she signalled me to sit down at a large, sturdy looking table. I looked to see where Xander was but he was nowhere to be seen.

Megan noticed. "Gethin and Xander are just putting your bags over in the music studio. You boys will be sleeping over there so you can make as much noise as you like without disturbing anyone else. Xander likes staying there so he can do his thing without being disturbed. Do you do it too?"

I presumed she meant meditation. "No, but I find it interesting and Xander said he would teach me."

"He got that from his mother. Pretty young thing she was. Very beautiful, you know. Very quiet. Shy, but very intelligent, mind. Xander inherited that from her too. He's also getting more handsome with each visit. Cuts quite a figure, don't you think?"

I wasn't quite sure how to answer that and I wondered if she was fishing. Did she know about Xander's sexuality? With Xander never having a friend at school before, was she reading too much into him inviting me to stay?

"I only met him at the beginning of term so I wouldn't know how much his looks have changed. We just got on really well right from the start," I lied, "and we both share the same passion for music. We are doing a project together and performing at a special concert when we go back so having the time to rehearse together here is absolutely brilliant."

"You're taking Xander to meet your parents, aren't you? Seems he is quite the good friend of yours to be doing that, is he not?" Megan asked just as Xander and Gethin entered the room.

There it was. Another bit of fishing. She knew Xander had been invited so why the question? "Yes. My parents wanted to return your hospitality and as you will have other guests staying they thought later this week was an opportune time."

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