Chapter 14. Perfect.

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Perfect by Jeff Satur (2020)'s POV.

be/-jbHA08mdx0Xander's POV

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Xander's POV.

My life at school changed overnight.

The rumour train had completed its overnight journey and by the following morning I was definitely no longer being subjected to elongated 'weak'.

Okay! One or two boys forgot but they were quickly schussed by others and a few apologies were hastily given.

I received some funny looks too, from boys seemingly envious that I had gained an impunity status and from boys looking too frightened to even dare acknowledge me.

Other boys though gave me a look of disgust. You could see from their eyes that they thought I had prostituted myself with Cliff and was now his play thing. They never said a word. They didn't have to. Their eyes said it all. They believed the threat from Big Bradders to be real enough and were not about to put it to the test. A glare, or at worst, a sneer would have to suffice for now.

Did I bask in this new found freedom over the next week? You bet I did.

Whilst I did bask I did make an effort not to gloat or stand idly by while some other poor unfortunate sod was being victimised. If I saw it happening I didn't have to do anything other than make it obvious, either with words or from my appearance, that I did not approve and miraculously it stopped.

By the second week it felt like my school life situation had almost reverted to the days when I had first shared a room with Bobby. I wasn't continually looking over my shoulder or avoiding any eye contact with other boys. It was also wonderful to be able to use the toilets without having to enter carefully and to check if anyone was using any cubicles first. A habit I was so glad to lose.

By the third week Jacob and Roland, as well as other friends, and I use that term very loosely, from long ago, were openly acknowledging me in the corridors and classrooms again. I was still cautious though and held back from being too friendly with them.

As Cliff had the same lessons as me and could now freely sit with me during meals, we continued to spend most of our time together. It now made sense why Jock had roomed Cliff with me in the first place. Nessie giving us a music assignment together meant it was only when Cliff was playing rugby, or any other sport, that we were apart. 

Cliff's exploits on the rugby field with the Reserve XV were earning him a hero-like status. He surprised himself by drop kicking quite a few match winning goals even though he had said that he was not as good a kicker as his twin. It was now looking like there was no way Dickie could be justified in not having him play in the first team.

Whenever we walked around the school younger boys giggled childishly when he returned their greetings or smiled at them. Other boys not so secretly flirted with him, thinking I wouldn't notice. Some boys had no shame and pushed notes into his hand requesting him to meet them after lights out.

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