Chapter 29. To Hell With It.

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A Glass Of Champagne - Sailor (1976)


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Clifton's POV.

When I awoke I was alone.

I looked at the alarm clock. The red numerals read 10:36. I had slept well, obviously making up for not sleeping well the previous night.

I needed to pee and, after realising I was naked, put my night shorts back on and rushed to the bathroom.

When I returned Xander was lying on top of the bed, thankfully wearing shorts and a T-Shirt.

He looked at me bashfully. "Good morning.... I heard you get up so I brought you in a coffee."

I leaned over and kissed him. "Good morning to you too. You okay after last night?"

"Mmmmn!" He answered, as he nodded his head. "I'm sorry that I couldn't do it very well. Maybe next time I will do it better."

"Maybe you should practise more with a thicker banana?" I teased cheekily. "Either that or have your teeth removed."

He slapped me and then started to giggle. "Let's hope I don't get confused if I'm hungry next time and decide to take a bite. I can just see you in A&E trying to explain to the nurse why your dick had a chunk missing and you were wanting to have it stitched back on."

I laughed as I pulled him into a hug. "Seriously though Xander. You are okay with what we did, aren't you? Not just sexually but in your mind too?"

He gave me a big squeeze. "Yes..... I'm glad we did what we did. I am very happy. Please don't worry. I promise I will tell you if ever I'm not."

He settled down into hugging me while I sat and sipped my coffee. I was glad he said he was happy. Just masturbating each other and a little bit of oral may not seem much but it was actually a big deal for both of us.

For all our procrastinations it was something I now realised that we both needed to do. For different reasons, granted, but nevertheless that step of being intimate with each other was necessary to set us on the journey of getting to know what the other liked and disliked sexually. Xander's willingness to attempt a blow job was unexpected and despite the teeth marks he had left I was hoping that next time he would be more careful and be open to try other things.

Now more than ever I hoped that we would find that we were compatible. I knew I loved him, and if we weren't? I knew I would be heartbroken as I really did like him. Just touching him intimately last night had been one of the best sexual experiences I've ever had. It boded well for the future.

I was now worried that he was planning on spending all day in bed. Not because I didn't want to but because I needed the soreness of my dick to subside if we were going to have a repeat performance tonight.

"What have you got planned for me today then?" I asked, kicking myself as I suddenly realised that it was a very loaded question.

He grinned. "Nana and Bamps have gone to Chapel so we are on our own...., and as it's raining cats and dogs today you have two choices.... And no! One of them isn't spending all day in bed. We either don waterproofs and brave the elements, or we spend time in the studio working on our concert piece and then chillax up here, playing music or watching a film. What say you?"

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