第二十章 九

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Without Jia Gui Fei the harem seemed relatively calmer, but Ling Pin was a schemer and often sabotaged other concubines for the Emperor's attention

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Without Jia Gui Fei the harem seemed relatively calmer, but Ling Pin was a schemer and often sabotaged other concubines for the Emperor's attention. Lately, her actions had gotten out of hand. Now here she sat dressed in a white gown as if she was in mourning a strict taboo, yet the Empress said nothing. It seemed to her no matter how many times she lived she had to go through this moment of inappropriate attire in every life.

Chun Gui Fei glanced at Ling Pin and smiled "Ling Pin the Emperor just welcomed the first Empress under his rule, and you wear white are you cursing the marriage of the Emperor and Empress?" Now the other imperial concubines narrowed in on what Chun Gui Fei was doing and smiled. While the woman in question had lost her haughty smile "Chun Gui Fei what first empress she is the second to sit on the phoenix throne" She then tilted her head and smirked "Plus I am free to mourn I had a death in my clan".

Ruyi glanced at Hailan who discreetly shook her head indicating she had no idea what the woman was talking about. On the chair closest to Ruyi was Princess Royal Jingse who caught her mother's eye before smirking into her tea. Ruyi and Hailan both relaxed into their seats knowing that she would have done it within reason. Chun Gui Fei's smile became even more pleasant and frightfully understanding Ruyi glanced at this and held back from smiling. She knew the other woman was normally a follower but when she decided to strike, she was fierce.

"Oh, then you should be confined to your palace for the mourning period that is what the Empress did upon the passing of her Royal Aunt," Those who had been of that time all shared a knowing glance at what the woman was carefully implying. Then Consort Shu spoke up "Ling Pin you seem to need a history lesson the Qianlong Dynasty has only one Empress and she sits on the phoenix throne, what is this second Empress story you mention".

The calm behaviours of the two consorts as they educated their 'younger sister' was delightful. Consort Shu's soft correction was the perfect opening for Jingse "Ling Pin mufei" The princess's tones were mocking but to Ling Pin's fury she had to submit, and the princess smirked "What other Empress do you speak of? Or are you insulting this Princess's birth mother".

Suddenly Ling Pin recognised what she had done and paled she stammered and rushed to apologise but Chun Gui Fei was already on her feet. "Empress, please punish Ling Pin for breaking Imperial command and breaking protocol". The other consorts quickly followed causing Ruyi to glance at Jingse who now rose to her feet "Muhou please uphold order in the harem" Her daughter was good at this; she would discuss the death in Ling Pin's family later.

"Get on up, Ling Pin you spoke improperly and broke the Emperor's imperial edict as such you will be confined to your palace until the Emperor chooses to release you". Consort Shu glanced at Noble Consort Yu and saw the small smile on her face who in the forbidden palace did not know that the Emperor hated Ling Pin and refused to request her.

The empress might have well sent the woman to the cold palace. It seemed that even the offending Concubine knew the ramifications of her punishment. However, she bowed and accepted her punishment before sitting quietly. Ruyi now turned to Chun Gui Fei and smiled before gesturing for her to stay behind.

"I am tired, no need to stay any longer disperse" The other women quickly followed the etiquette and left except for Chun Gu Fei the two sat enjoying the quiet before Ruyi drank her tea "Do you think he will ever come back to us" The other woman felt her smile fading as she thought about their shared son. "One day he might come back as a grandchild" The two women glanced at each other and shared a smile of shared loss. 

Unknown to Chun Gui Fei, Ruyi had sent her maid to the emperor with a request, so she intended to keep the woman by her side till she got an answer. "His children luckily are healthy and happy". The two women both smiled as they thought about the two chubby babies. A maid poured them more tea before glancing at her mistress and slipping a note into her hand. With Chun Gui Fei distracted Ruyi quickly read it and smiled in approval,

"Chun Gui Fei tonight the emperor will stay with you prepare well" She watched as the woman gave a small smile and left. Her eye now drifted over to her daughter and friend entering the room with wide smiles.

"Explain to this old mother of yours what caused you to take action" The brief look of fright on Jingse's face at her statement caused both women to laugh. The princess however shook her head and gestured to the Emperor's aid "You are being summoned Royal Father wants to go riding" Ruyi sighed and nodded "Then I shall get dressed and go to him, I will wait for your explanation". 

If Jingse seemed to be relieved that she had more time before she had to explain to her mother what happened, then that was good hopefully Royal Father would not let the reason slip while they were riding. Maybe her Royal Uncle could help her after all he was one of the few who knew the reason behind that move they had made.

She knew that Royal mother would be incredibly angered when she found out glancing at Mother Yu she gave a nervous look the older woman just glanced at the area where her siblings were kept. Maybe that was the perfect insurance, after all, Royal mother loved all her children.

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