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The atmosphere in the grand hall of the imperial palace was charged with tension as Prince Yongji stood before his father, Emperor Qianlong, and a gathering of his most trusted ministers and advisors

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The atmosphere in the grand hall of the imperial palace was charged with tension as Prince Yongji stood before his father, Emperor Qianlong, and a gathering of his most trusted ministers and advisors. The topic of discussion was the recent arrival of Meiying as Second Madam in Prince Yongji's manor—a development that had sparked a flurry of gossip and speculation within the court.

One by one, the ministers voiced their concerns and grievances, expressing their displeasure at the perceived breach of protocol and tradition. They argued that it was unheard of for a prince to take a second madam before he had even been granted a qīnwáng fújìn, a princess consort—a sentiment that Prince Yongji himself understood but did not care for, though he remained silent as he listened to the impassioned pleas of his ministers.

Finally, it was Emperor Qianlong's turn to speak, his voice cutting through the murmurs of discontent like a blade through silk. His expression was inscrutable as he regarded his son and his ministers, his gaze piercing and unwavering.

"My esteemed ministers," he began, his voice commanding the attention of all those present. "I understand your concerns regarding the recent developments in Prince Yongji's manor. However, I must remind you that the affairs of the royal family are not subject to the whims of the court."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "The decisions regarding when and whom the princes marry are determined by myself and the Empress, in accordance with the traditions and customs of our dynasty. It is not for the court to dictate the personal affairs of the royal family."

A ripple of murmurs spread through the hall at the Emperor's proclamation, though none dared to challenge his authority openly. They knew all too well the consequences of defying the will of the Emperor—the swift and merciless retribution that awaited those who dared to question his judgment.

Emperor Qianlong's gaze swept over the assembly, his expression one of steely resolve. "If any of you wish to see your daughters married into the imperial family, I suggest you remember your place and show proper respect for the decisions of your sovereign."

With those words, the Emperor rose from his seat, signalling the end of the audience. As the ministers filed out of the hall, Prince Yongji felt a sense of relief wash over him—a sense of gratitude for his father's unwavering support and guidance in the face of adversity.


Meanwhile, in the inner chambers of the palace,  Ruyi and Empress Dowager sat in quiet conversation, their voices hushed as they discussed matters of state and family. The atmosphere was one of intimacy and trust, a bond forged by years of shared experience and mutual respect.

As they spoke, Noble Consort Yu approached them with news from Princess Jingsi, her eyes alight with excitement as she delivered her message.

"Your Majesties," she began, her voice filled with anticipation. "Princess Jingsi has informed me that she is with child again—a long-awaited blessing that brings great joy to our family."

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